ephesians 4 sermon illustrations

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The wild chase ended as the fugitives crashed into a parked vehicle and were arrested by the police. In Thomas Lynch's popular book The Undertaking: Life Studies From The Dismal Trade, he reflects on his work as a funeral director in a small Michigan town. Our Daily Walk), Grandpa's Tree Ephesians 4:15 December 14, 2001. Click here to stream or download the sermon audio. FORBEARANCE – only a partial apology, not a full confession; offender is still blaming you partially & not accepting full responsibility. It was his pride, however, that suffered the most. —Sper A Christlike life can be the world's Bible. In many ways, as I watch Pete, I am equipped to do the repairs on my own. This is the symbol of the meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great Price. Our Daily Walk "'Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure." Like a soldier or athlete in training (2 Timothy 2:3, 4, 5), we need to practice repeatedly until doing what's right comes naturally. Joe was dying, and he wanted to make everything right. The two emotions hang for their life upon each other. Yet the evidence of real Christlikeness is to be able to reward evil with good and go right on living for the Lord. Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son Psalm 39 offers comfort to people who regret the thoughtless things they've said in times of despair. Without knowing it, that city official had correctly described what had happened. But we must be careful we don't overreact and lose control. "That's the way!" --D J De Haan. In the church, there are spiritual leaders whose job it is to equip us for ministry. Forgiving is love’s toughest work, and love’s biggest risk. Hear what Paul said: "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. The issue is not what others have done to us, but what Christ has done for us. Dirt is a toy to a baby. But a word may harm And open a wound with its lingering smart; And a word may heal or a word may charm If it comes direct from a loving heart. Getting rid of such things as anger, rage, and malice is a way of life, not a one-time event.—Julie Ackerman Link. --HGB. One man. I'm praying for you every day"? God wants to reupholster us. It is a state of affairs in which the minister said, “You leave the spiritual ministry to me; that’s my job.” And the congregation says, “Yes, that’s absolutely right, and so we will.” Or the congregation may say to the minister, “We hired you to do the spiritual ministry. This must frustrate the people who are judged for not conforming. Or are you practicing true Christian fellowship?—David C. Egner. Guilt and fear reminded them of the pain they had caused their aged father Jacob and their brother Joseph. His appeal was based on God’s forgiveness of them. Paul's plea for walking in unity does not suggest that believers will see eye to eye on every issue. For my part, I like to begin every day, before lifting my head from the pillow, by saying, "Thou art within, O Spirit of Christ, though I feel Thee not.". We must not lower them for the sake of financial gain or because we fear that it's the only way our business can survive. Among the clergy, clericalism can impede body life. We practice. Apparently the Marine's code of behavior extends beyond formal functions, even to the way he is photographed. We appreciated the unexpected gifts and used them frequently when entertaining guests. The judge says he is being charged with the most terrible crime that a person can possibly commit. Do you desire to pray? But it was sensitivity that God was teaching me—to be sensitive to the little things. I understood what he meant. Yet if we learn biblical principles through reading the Word, and if we daily yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit, we will gradually come to recognize His gentle prompting. I want the love that always sweetly bears Whate'er my Father's hand may choose to send; I want the love that patiently endures The wrongs that come from enemy or friend. ...read more, Scripture: Some people become obsessed with guilt for their past sins. Honesty must be woven into the fabric of our character if we are to have an effective testimony for Christ. When my wife and I went out to eat with a pastor friend, he told us about some of the things that people in his church have squabbled about. ", Then the judge quietly resumed his eating. My friend, if you’ve been sitting in the stands, you’re badly needed down on the field! It does not take long for a beggar to put off his rags and take instead a new suit of clothes, and it need not take a moment longer to put away habits and thoughts, ways of speech and life which are unworthy of the children of God. In Paul's letter to the Ephesian church, he described the unity of purpose (Eph 4:1-16) that should help us to work through disagreements without creating divisions. Eighty-five percent is determined by an individual's attitude and ability to relate to other people. The husband, on the other hand, said he believes there is evidence that the earth is much older than many claim. Ephesians 1:4 F B Meyer. When we recently moved again, those chairs needed a makeover to match our new decor. This week I read an article by Medical News Today about the health effects of loneliness. Bedtime came, and their mother said to the boy, "Don't you think you should forgive your brother before you go to sleep? Their dislike for each other was lost in a conflict of greater proportions, so they combined forces to meet the threat. —Hess Christian fellowship builds us up and binds us together. Those words do indeed describe the feeling of many who are "sick and tired" of their work. Soon dissension is running rampant among people who had been eagerly working together, and the church finds itself spending more time on damage control than on ministry. It fits right in with this day of tolerance for everyone's personal choices. If it is mingled with malice, it becomes sinful; but if it is associated with a holy disposition, it is safe and good. Our heavenly Father calls us to lay aside prejudice, self-interest, and pride as we work toward a supernatural unity that honors Him. He listed them among the proud, murderers, inventors of evil, God-haters, and the like. How many times have we huffed out of the house in the morning or turned out the light at night with anger smoldering in our hearts? A few years later, Gary Anderson, president of Baptist Mid-Missions, visited Vanino. When We Disagree Ephesians 4:1-6 February 23, 1995 While visiting friends who are rock collectors, I asked, "Do you believe that rock formations reveal a very old earth?" If they have something, they give freely to the man who has nothing; if they see a stranger, they take him home, and are happy, as though he were a real brother. The only remedy is to be "filled with the Spirit" (5:18), which means to be completely surrendered to the will of God. Immediately she began honking her horn. Just Be Yourself Ephesians 4:1-16 June 22, 2003. Ephesians 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. T-OGETHER And a neighbor is not only someone who lives near us or works next to us, but anyone we meet on life's journey—especially those in need. Stir me, Lord, I long to serve Thee, Know the fullness of Thy power. In the book Papillon, the main character dreams that he is on trial. 4:5). 4:17). The Memory Of Our Sins June 30, 2002 Ephesians 4:23. "You're always breaking something." The Best Policy Ephesians 4:25-28 February 17, 2004, A former chairman of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants says that ethical behavior is the foundation of business success. The question we need to be asking ourselves is whether people notice that we have been reborn. Methodist, Busted Knuckles But if we give in to the temptation to lie, soon we are doing it so often that we're not even aware of it anymore. May their lives be fraught with misery, unhappiness, and poignant sorrow. But under the control of the Holy Spirit, anger can expose and check evil. Does that describe us as followers of Christ? That's why the advice in Hebrews must be diligently heeded. It happens so quickly and efficiently because each crew member knows his job and does it right. 21:12, 13). Jesus hated as well as loved. (Source unknown). Author: Barnett Gushin. They were discussing the teachings of a theologian whom the landlord thought was a heretic. *other, "Bitterness is like taking poison, and waiting for the other person to die." Sermons. Paul Simon gave his final A couple of days before the funeral, I got a call from Mary, who asked if I would share a eulogy of Kurt. Ephesians 4:25-32, Tags: Do I have a generous and giving spirit? The other day, we were all in the back yard. The undertaker knows. The flesh has a tendency to perform religious activity, but this is not the work of the Holy Spirit. —Benjamin Franklin, HATRED'S BITTER FRUIT Ephesians 4:26 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer.-1John 3:15 One of the worst cases of hatred I have ever come across is found in a will written in 1935 by a Mr. Donohoe. Once they start they can gradually damage and then destroy families, churches, and lifelong relationships. The man was a soldier under the leadership of Pánfilo de Narváez, and he had smallpox. Therefore, our prayer should be: "Give me neither poverty nor riches" (Proverbs 30:8). Like The Master Ephesians 4:17-24 April 29, 1997 A young boy knocked at the studio door of an Italian artist who had died. A promising young man applied for a job at a bank. No matter how we are treated, we are to follow Christ's example (Eph. When Bill arrived, Joe told him that he was afraid to go into eternity with bad feelings between them, and he wanted to make things right. When we're reborn--made new in Christ-- It should be plain for all to see That God has changed us from within And placed us in His family. The stepfather, wanting to get close to the boy, took him on a fishing trip. ...read more, Scripture: When we moved into our home 5 years ago, we discovered that the former owner had left us six dining room chairs. Someone has observed, "The acorn does not become an oak in a day … It is not one touch of the artist's brush that produces a finished painting. In Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus, he wrote about equipping the people for service (Ephesians 4:11-12). Psalms 133:1, Ephesians 4:3, Ephesians 4:13, Tags: The story is told about a little boy who got into a fight with his older brother one morning. Such utter contempt didn't develop in a day. For 3 years, Jesus "mended holes" in their "ministry nets" so they could be effective fishers of men (v.17). —Bosch Revenge imprisons us; forgiveness sets us free. A good way to evaluate our daily choices is to ask ourselves: "Would I be embarrassed if I read about this in the newspaper or if my family and friends knew about it? He did not want to give his business to a man who would lie without giving it a thought. As the group went through the cafeteria line, the young man put two pats of butter on his tray and slipped them beneath the outer rim of his plate so the cashier wouldn't see them. 4:2 NIV)—a verse Melissa had marked in her Bible. You need a holiday." There is the low place of contrition for sin. If we would ripen in grace, we must live near to Jesus—in his presence—ripened by the sunshine of his smiles. How has it shaped his thinking? The company president, who was right behind him, observed his actions. There are not multiple paths to heaven, but one way. "Never," came the reply. Observe the way they use the Bible, pray, and work with people. It reads, "May their souls rest in hell and suffer the torments of the condemned for eternity." (Lk. Included in the list is the command to work for a living (Eph 4:28). So he reminded his readers in Ephesus, "We are members of one another" (Ephesians 4:25). He said, "Justice White is causing four-letter words to come into my living room through the TV set." We must also "put to death" the sins that seek to invade our lives (Colossians 3:2,5,16). —Anon. Have you been holding fast to the memory of some insult, some event, some criticism? Although Onesimus deserved Philemon's punishment, Paul called him a "son" (v.10) and a "beloved brother" (v.16). What's A Church For? "We won, we lived, and we enjoyed as one," Stargell said. 2:22). —Richard De Haan. He also descended first inot the lower parts of the earth. 3. But dirt doesn't surrender that easily. Our brain needs habits in order for us to be able to function. He wept over the city of Jerusalem when it spurned His love (Lk. May their deaths be soon and of a lingering malignant and torturous nature." Frank Ramirez. He said that he had very infrequent opportunities of attending any religious services, but that the letters which came from the old country had been his sheet anchor. Note the contrast: When faced with trials, we too can have an inner strength through Christ (v. 11). Think about it. They're caught in the web of sin, living "in the futility of their mind" (Ephesians 4:17). We are saved by grace and declared righteous in Christ. Ephesians 4:1-16 October 19, 2003. Christ the Lord our debt has paid— All our sins on Him were laid; We like Him should try to live, Always ready to forgive! Holding a grudge poisons our spiritual lives. What a picture of many who in-deed have been brought to life through faith in Christ, but who still are not fit for service because certain hindering remnants of the old life must first be removed. Verse 8 describes a processional led by Jesus: “When He ascended on high, He led the captives, and He gave gifts to men.” A tremendous battle has been won by our Lord. When it was Jimmy's turn to speak, he didn't mention one of the more common professions like doctor, lawyer, policeman, and fireman. Similarly, as believers in Christ, we should respond in a manner that corresponds with our new life. We need to concentrate on what He has done—His atoning sacrifice on the cross for our sins—not on what we have done. Many believers do very little for the Lord because they are still inhibited by selfish attitudes and the distracting cares of this life. To see the full illustration, please Sign Up or Login. By living "with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love" (v.2). They are but the two sides of one sublime emotion which turns life, so often insipid and dull, into a vivid, balanced, and joyful activity. So the expectation of being with, and like Christ, should be to us as a sheet-anchor, who bear His Name. I thank God we have a man like that in the church which I attend. He's not interested in merely changing our spiritual appearance. Certainly we cannot judge it by the length or even the content of one's prayers. Ephesians 4:4-6: Pulpit Commentary Homiletics. They were not well received by the old Chow. "Guilty.". 4:29). There is the low place of humility. Babies scrub themselves in dirt. To him it is written all over the canvas, "This picture cost me ten thousand pounds!" Our role, as followers of the Lord Jesus, is to demonstrate that the life of faith does make sense. In fact, it tells us to love our "neighbor" as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:39). Or has your TV taken too much control? Close Filters Scripture . In order to have a strong and blessed Christian experience, the one thing is to see that we do not grieve the Spirit. —Harris Guilt is a burden our heavenly Father never intended His children to bear. Later he recognized it in the toolbox of a fellow employee. We must also descend. I said, `Lord, I can surely wear a wristwatch that my daddy gave me.' If I speak the truth in love, I shall delight in all, who exhibit that truth, even though in many things they differ from me. It's a shame to turn a falcon into a parrot. But we should always remember to be humble and gentle in everything we do. Paul opens his exhortation with a reminder to his readers that he is in jail because he has practiced what this verse describes. No, in that we are each given unique gifts and interests and abilities to develop and use for His glory (Ephesians 4:7). Then, as you feed on the Word of God and obey His commands, you too will become more like Christ through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. He realized the strong drift of circumstances, but to be loved by a sweet pure girl, who made him the object of her incessant prayer, and to receive her inspiring letters, kept him from yielding to the evil which enveloped him as an atmosphere; the thought that before long he might claim her as his bride helped to purify and steady his life. Great spiritual truths of Scripture we find what God wants us to believe and... 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