evolution of language summary

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. If, on the other hand, we define 'language' in structural terms, thus excluding from consideration most, if not all, of the kinds of gestural usages I have illustrated today, we may be in danger of missing important features of how language, so defined, actually succeeds as an instrument of communication. In 1866, the Linguistic Society of Paris banned any discussion of the topic: "The Society will accept no communication concerning either the origin of language or the creation of a universal language." [Gordon] Hewes (1973; 1974; 1976) was one of the first modern proponents of a gestural origins theory. At the time, it was of vital importance to focus on grammatical rules, syntactic structures, along with rote memorisation of vocabulary and translation of literary texts. This is functional, as there is a reduced risk of choking, and babies are not yet talking. . - Greeks: writing from left to right . : Five Theories on the Origins of Language, Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia, M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester, B.A., English, State University of New York. - symbolic alphabet in Sinai (semitic alphabet), elaborated by Phoenicians and Greek through inventory of vowels and consonants is that it did. Over the centuries, many theories have been put forward—and almost all of them have been challenged, discounted, and ridiculed. "Today, opinion on the matter of language origins is still deeply divided. - two types: bottom-up process, top-down process - Spezialisierung: über Konzepteigenschaften, definitorisches Merkmal, unterscheidendes Merkmal, Mehrfachklassifikation möglich – specifier-Funktionen der Sprache (Wortbildung, präpositionale Fügung, Attribute Language evolution represents a special kind of adaptation, in part because language … Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language Robin Dunbar opens GROOMING, GOSSIP, AND THE EVOLUTION OF LANGUAGE, his study of language, by evoking … ", (Robin I.A. These speculations have, in turn, their origins in [Charles] Darwin's 1871 book The Descent of Man: The modern scholars mentioned above agree in rejecting the well-known scenario according to which language originated as a system of monosyllabic grunt-like sounds that had the (referential) function of pointing at things. resembles the speech of little baby himself, before he begins to frame his own language after the pattern of the grownups; the language of our remote forefathers was like that ceaseless humming and crooning with which no thoughts are as yet connected, which merely amuses and delights the little one. - Wortschatz: Lehnwörter (kingly = royal, Küche: beef, pork) - Neue Formen des Wissens zugänglich -> Wissen weitergeben -> Wissensmanagement: Ideen/Erfahrungen zusammenfassen (Konzeptbildung), Konzepte weiter differenzieren (Konzepthierarchien, Strukturwissen), Beziehungen zwischen Konzepten hierarchieübergreifend herstellen - bottom-up: start out in non-standard varieties, e.g. Summary of "A History of the English Language" 1. und latein. "Human teeth are upright, not slanting outwards like those of apes, and they are roughly even in height. . The scenario by which language evolved in humans to assist the coordination of working together (as on the pre-historic equivalent of a loading dock) has been nicknamed the 'yo-heave-ho' model. How language came into being has intrigued many great minds, including Charles Darwin, but it is also a question that we can all understand and ponder. Oxford University Press, 2003), - "[P]rimitive speakers were not reticent and reserved beings, but youthful men and women babbling merrily on, without being so particular about the meaning of each word. - Handschriften aus Klöstern First language. The English language has a long, complex history and has been influenced by many other different languages. (See Where Does Language Come From?) Some English pronunciations and words … - functions of animal communication: strengthening pair-bonding, repelling competitors, warning cries, territorial calls, mating calls - Humansprachen sind Zeichensysteme: symbolische Zeichen für abstrakte Sachverhalte, hierarchisch strukturiert (Lautsymbole zu Wortsymbolen), symbolische Zeichen miteinander vernetzt -> Bedeutung (Syntax) . Because of its physical nature, speech is both easier to compare with other species’ behaviors and easier to study in the fossil record than other aspects of language… Such characteristics are . - first verbal forms emerged as words to designate single concepts, first in oral form, symbolic to address abstract concepts, relationship between symbol and concept must be culturally transmitted (learned), growing abstractness and diversification of knowledge made more complex sign structures necessary, - visual representations closely to beginnings of cultural development (cave paintings 30.000 B.C.) Combining perspectives from neurobiology, … "During the twentieth century, and particularly its last few decades, discussion of language origins has become respectable and even fashionable. - symbolising syllables – wedge-shaped signs, representing sounds/consonants – sign for a word to designate initial sound Lexikon weitgehend homogon, germanischer Ursprung, neue Bezeichnungen durch Wortbildungsmöglichkeiten (aus Substantiv wird Adjektiv durch Suffigierung, aus Adjektiv wird Adverb durch Suffigierung, Substantiv+Substantiv als neues Wort) https://mocomi.com/ presents: Evolution of LanguageLanguage developed as the human species evolved. - regional diffusion: some hypothesis have focus on regional spread of language change, innovation starts at the center of power and spreads to regions of lesser power (wave theory), - learning difficulties to first and foreign language learners, because no clear-cut rule system for much of its grammar (e.g. . 1999. is regarded as a reliable form of information storage and transfer (“Writing System” Oxford University Press, 2007). They chattered away for the mere pleasure of chattering . - 4.000 years B.C. It is the origin of syntax that transforms naming into language, by enabling human beings to comment on and think about the relationships between things and events, that is, by enabling them to articulate complex thoughts and, most important, share them with others. THE EVOLUTION OF FILM LANGUAGE by André Bazin a synthesis of three articles, by Bazin, the first written for Vingt ans de cinema à Venise (1952), the second … Introduction Languageisa culturallytransmitted system – children learn the language … ", (David F. Armstrong and Sherman E. Wilcox, The Gestural Origin of Language. . Late Modern English developed between 1800 and 2000. In the middle 1700s, Carolus Linnaeus came up with his taxonomic naming system, which grouped like species together and implied there was an evolution… ", (Norman A. Johnson, Darwinian Detectives: Revealing the Natural History of Genes and Genomes. This me… - hierarchische Dimension: Richtung Überordnung (Abstraktheit – Arten von Tieren), Richtung Unterordnung (Spezialisierung – einzelne Rassen), assoziative Vernetzung von Wissen (Komplexität) What Robin Dunbar suggests -- and his research, whether in the realm of primatology or in that of gossip, confirms -- is that humans developed language to serve the purpose that grooming served, but far more efficiently. . .. From the nit-picking of chimpanzees to our chats at coffee break, from neuroscience to paleoanthropology, Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language … The Romans, who had controlled England for centuries, had … - force for preserving the familiar predominated over force towards simplifying coding system, - natürliche Sprachen verändern sich laufend – was lost Sprachwandel aus, wieso entwickeln sich Sprachen in eine bestimmte Richtung? bee dance), - commonalities among languages of the world: vowels and consonants, word units, sentence units, means for expressing time relations - Belege für gesprochene Sprache, - Wissen in 3 Richtungen und in 2 Dimensionen entwickelt In the course of thinking about language and its evolution… Reams of nonsense have been written about the subject" (The Talking Ape, 2005). - Externe Gründe: auf Änderungen der Anforderungen oder der Umgebungsbedingungen in einer Gemeinschaft reagieren – politische Situation (Verlegung des Regierungssitzes), Veränderungen der Gesellschaft (Bedeutung sozialer Schichten), Veränderungen von Macht und Einfluss (USA unabhängig, eigene Sprachstandards), kulturelle Veränderungen (religiöse Schulen – staatliche Schulen), neue Technologien und Produkte (Buchdruck – Schriftsprache), Import innovativer Produkte (Originalnamen übernommen) Terrance D… It can be argued, from a phylogenetic perspective, the origin of human sign languages is coincident with the origin of human languages; sign languages, that is, are likely to have been the first true languages. - alarm calls: threat from a predator - William Jones 1786: Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Sanskrit, Griechisch, Latein, Keltisch, Gotisch -> gemeinsame Quelle = Indoeuropäisch bzw. Summary College University of Salzburg Grade 2,00 Author MA Bianca Lehner (Author) Year 2014 Pages 13 Catalog Number V437806 ISBN … - "Instead of looking at types of sounds as the source of human speech, we can look at the types of physical features humans possess, especially those that are distinct from other creatures, which may have been able to support speech production. - Morpheme: Vereinfachung bei grammatischen Morphemen (unterschiedliche Pluralbildung angeglichen auf –s) Texte, Schreibkompetenz in Klöstern, Texte in altengl. Notice the differences among the f… There's the 'bow-wow' model in which language originated as imitations of animal cries. - "It is quite interesting to note that these modern views [on the commonality of language and music and of language and dance] were anticipated in great detail by Jespersen (1922: 392-442). "Babies are born with their larynxes in a high position, like monkeys. Schrift, in Britannien bis ins 9.Jh. . Routledge, 2014). . Otto Jespersen on Language as Play (1922), Divided Views on the Origins of Language (2016), The Sound 'Schwa' With Definition and Examples in English, Key Events in the History of the English Language, Sound Symbolism in English: Definition and Examples, The Theory of Poverty of the Stimulus in Language Development, Definition and Examples of Linguistic Prestige, Where Does Language Come From? - interpretation of animal communication: more complex and subtle than believed, multiple distinct meanings depending on context (relaxion or anxiety,…), - keine Aufzeichnungen aus der Frühzeit What data will allow us to conclude that one model or another best explains how language arose? ', "We are not proposing that language began as gesture and became vocal. - vowels and consonants – biology of human articulatory tract ", (David F. Armstrong, William C. Stokoe, and Sherman E. Wilcox, Gesture and the Nature of Language. . "We are not the first to suggest a gestural origin of language. - growing specialisation brought specific forms of knowledge and communication - part of population bilingual. - Komplexität: Herstellung von Beziehungen – 3 Bestandteile (CRC-Unit), 3 Anforderungen (Adressierung von Konzepten, Abbildung komplexer Bausteine, Abbildung von Sichtweisen), zur Adressierung von Konzepten (Begriffe) Worteinheiten (Terme), Satzstrukturen, zur Abbildung von Sichtweisen aktiv-passiv Konstrukte, - 450-1066: Old English (Anglo-Saxon) from invasion of Germanic tribes to Battle of Hastings (historic events which had great impact on language), Beowolf, Alfred the Great The subject formed part of his wide-ranging speculations about the transmutation of species. Schrift: seit d. Besetzung Britanniens durch Römer, religiöse Texte, Gesetzestexte, wissenschaftl. Phonetician Philip Lieberman has persuasively argued that the ultimate cause of the human lowered larynx is its function in producing different vowels. Approaches to the Evolution of Language. It follows from the technological hypothesis that speech was a later addition to human language, but how stone tool-making relates to speech evolution remains unclear. For those of us with an interest in language conceived of in this way, our task must include working out all the intricate ways in which gesture is used in relation to speech and of showing the circumstances in which the organization of each is differentiated from the other as well as the ways in which they overlap. - Syntax: AltE noch OVS (Objekt, Verb, Subjekt), Flexionsendungen verloren, daher Rollenbeziehung durch fixierte Satzstellung SPO Ada Lovelace and Babbage and its nephew were writing programs for the project of "difference engine", and then the "analytical engine". The Symbolic Species is a 1997 book by biological anthropologist Terrence Deacon on the evolution of language. One major problem remains, however; most models about language origins do not readily lend themselves to the formation of testable hypotheses, or rigorous testing of any sort. Language has been and always will be gestural (at least until we evolve a reliable and universal capacity for mental telepathy). -  "In the evolution of the human vocal tract since the split with other apes, the adult larynx descended to its lower position. - Indo-European -> Proto-Germanic -> West-Germanic -> Old English Language is always evolving and the English language might have gone through the quickest phase of evolution which can be seen through examples of … - latein. For Dutch speakers, their language is known as Nederlands which denotes its area of origin. wagging tail), strings of signs for complex content (e.g. ..  [P]rimitive speech . - Sprachwandel oft durch Schulbildung unterdrückt, umgangssprachliche Formen breitere Akzeptanz, - Phoneme: feet, root abbreviations) ", - "Speculation about how languages originate and evolve has had an important place in the history of ideas, and it has been intimately linked to questions about the nature of the signed languages of the deaf and human gestural behavior in general. - Bei externen Gründen passen sich sprachliche Systeme an veränderte Bedürfnisse an, werden vielfältiger und heterogener – Spracherwerb und Verwendung erschwert, soll vereinfacht werden Late Old English (10th to 11th Century) – can be considered the final phase of the Old English language which was brought about by the Norman … Richard Nordquist. The Evolution of English George Boeree The English language begins with the Anglo-Saxons. Language … The functions of language … and 410 A.D. (Latin) 1.3 Language evolution and biology We start by examining the uniqueness of language in biological terms, in comparison with other animal communication systems. Cambridge University Press, 2014). . - Semantik: Wörter ändern durch Gebrach die Bedeutung, Veränderung konnotativer Bedeutung (Weib – wife), Bezeichnungen für technische Geräte als Metaphern, - in Stein gemeißelte Inschriften By about the end of the first year, the human larynx descends to its near-adult lowered position. On the other hand, from the point of view of a comprehensive theory of how humans do all the things they do by means of utterances, it cannot be sufficient. Sprache in Minuskelschrift (Neuentwicklungen: Insulare Minuskel) - source is a diffusion of use – broad use changes for simplification more slowly than items in less frequent use Some possible stages in the evolution of the language … - gedruckte Texte - 1650- present: Modern English (Present-Day English), since 1650 no radical changes, - first early settlers with linguistic evidence are Romans between 43 B.C. - abrupter Sprachwandel: durch Dekret verordnet, Schreibreform, Wörterbuch, Übernahme dauert länger, muss aber nicht akzeptiert werden There was no provision for the oral use … "Divine origin [is the] conjecture that human language originated as a gift from God. - withdrawal of Roman legions in 499 A.D., left cultural infrastructure and settlements with Latin names, - Germanic people increasingly arrived and settled south and east of British Isles, small kingdoms emerged (Alfred the Great – Wessex as leading kingdom), - Old English: Engleland for “land of the Angles”, - language of settlers in contact with Latin, Celtic and Old Danish – language mixing, - Battle of Hastings, 1066: beginning of Norman rule, mixing of Germanic and Romance language, end of Old English (exclusively Germanic), - manuscripts: scattered inscriptions (in Runic alphabet), no written evidence, - literate age began under leadership of St.Augustine in 597, developed in monasteries -> translation of church-related texts, - transfer of orally transmitted bits of poetry into written form (Beowolf), - descriptive texts: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, - Old English no longer readable without specific bits of knowledge, - spelling: two different characters to represent Modern English dental fricative, - phonemes: sch represented as sc, dsch as different phonemes like g and j, - lexicon: majority of words Germanic origin, but have been replaced now, - morpho-syntax: Old English highly inflected language, strict word order regulations not necessary – noun inflection in stem-gender-case-number (Modern English: two inflectional endings – genitive case and singular/plural); verb inflection tendency for simplification of morphological verbal system (strong verbs converted into weak verbs, 4 defining forms for strong verbs reduced to 3 and then 2, past form assumed present meaning, modal verbs no -s ending or infinitive), - Runenschrift: Angelsachsen nicht schreibkundig, keine schriftlichen Dokumente, runisches Zeichensystem = Futhark, Rune bedeutet Geheimnis, ursprünglich Verschlüsselungsverfahren, Ähnlichkeit mit Buchstaben -> wahrscheinl. Language, a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which human beings express themselves. So we presume that in the origins of language a one-word stage preceded our remote ancestors' first steps into grammar. - metacommunications: play face in dogs, contributions by Konrad Lorenz Cultural Evolution of Language K Smith,UniversityofEdinburgh,Edinburgh,UK 2006ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. . . Indogermanisch (besteht aus 140 Einzelsprachen), mit der friedlichen Ausbreitung der Landwirtschaft durchgesetzt, Sesshaftigkeit krempelte Leben, Kultur, soziale Organisation der Menschen um – Europa als Endpunkt der Wanderungen (Sprachen haben Wurzeln, wo Landwirtschaft entstand), - languages are subject to change – different approaches Brain imaging studies have revealed functional and anatomical associations between hand, oral and language cortical areas [ 10 ], suggesting that language … . [Adam] Kendon (1991: 215) also suggests that 'the first kind of behaviour that could be said to be functioning in anything like a linguistic fashion would have had to have been gestural.' - 1100-1500: Middle English till technical innovation, loss of most inflectional endings, Chaucer Cambridge University Press, 2000), "[T]he size of human social groups gives rise to a serious problem: grooming is the mechanism that is used to bond social groups among primates, but human groups are so large that it would be impossible to invest enough time in grooming to bond groups of this size effectively. - symbolische Mittel zur Darstellung notwendig – Grund für Sprachentwicklung, Wortbildung, Syntax These regularities have allowed linguists to discover many of the processes of language evolution, and how language evolution may be similar to biological evolution. Updated April 26, 2018. extreme rise of loanwords from Anglo-Norman French in English after 1066 – Middle English), changes in economy and technology, - standardisation of language: descriptive attitude, lexicography and language teaching have normative-descriptive attitude, achieve better standardisation of language and language teaching (dictionaries and grammar guides) . - Schreibung: keine standardisierte Schreibtradition, persönliche Schreibstile, regionale Unterschiede in der Aussprache (Suffixe in d. Aussprache entsprechenden Stellenwert – syllable-timing, da zu aufwändig eher stress-timing als dominierendes Prinzip des Wortrhythmus), - Altengl. by David McNeill. ", (Esa Itkonen, Analogy as Structure and Process: Approaches in Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology and Philosophy of Science. History of the Theory of Evolution The idea that traits are passed down from parents to offspring has been around since the ancient Greek philosophers' time. - general principles of language change: Rasmus Rask and Jakob Grimm found that changes in the domain of phonemes are fairly regular and affected sound system across the lexical inventory - reconstruction of pre-history of language: analysis of earliest forms of language, comparison, assumptions on possible common ancestor of language - morphology: rich inflectional system of nouns, strong verbs (reduplication of initial syllable, change of stem vowel), weak verbs (German invention, designate pastness with inflectional suffix –de) – in historical context strong verbs are not irregular! Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. word stress adapted or not) - top-down process: by decisions made in influential institutions, secure social diffusion (e.g. Oxford University Press, 2007). In his speculations about the origin of language, he arrived at the view that referential language must have been preceded by singing, which in its turn was functional in fulfilling the need for sex (or love), on the one hand, and the need for coordinating collective work, on the other. - Griechen zwei konträre Möglichkeiten: Festsetzung (thesis) oder Natur (physis) Content ( e.g language originated as a gift from God most others consider! The English language begins with the Anglo-Saxons Analogy as Structure and Process: Approaches Linguistics..., `` language and Linguistics, 1997 ; rpt or a technological function world, but the evolution language! F. Armstrong, William C. Stokoe, and ridiculed branchof the Indo-European language family but! Professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the Nature of origins... On the matter of language. apes, and they are roughly even height! 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