yasuhiro hagakure ultimate

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La maison de Hiro a été une fois brûlée parce que son père s’est endormi avec une cigarette allumée. Wait, are you trying to be my rival!? Il frappa Sakura inconsciemment et – croyant avoir tué Sakura – monta un coup contre Tôko pour la faire passer pour la coupable. 180 cm Ultimate Despair. What are you talking about, Mr. He had to kill his classmates? Then you must be relieved, because my fortune are correct 30% of the time! Stop, you reptilian degenerate! Kokichi...cut that out already. He says you are okay, but only some of the time. Ainsi, Hiro fut l’un des six survivants à s’échapper de l’école. Name: Arizumè Hagakure. Yasuhiro "Hiro" Hagakure (葉隠康比呂 Hagakure Yasuhiro) est un des personnages de Danganronpa : Trigger Happy Havoc. I bet someone like you could draw out their true power, no problem, Korey! With Atua watching over you, you'll be fine today no matter what happens. If you're jealous, I'll tell your fortune for 100,000 yen! Well, well...if it isn't Hiro. And you get a magazine in the mail! Hiroko is a fair-skinned woman with light pink hair that reaches her waist. Yasuhiro Hagakure (葉隠 康比呂 Hagakure Yasuhiro) : Doublage : Masaya Matsukaze (Japonais); Kaiji Tang (jeux), Christopher Bevins (anime) (Anglais) Surnommé "Hiro" , c'est le " Devin Ultime " (超高校級の「占い師」 Chō-kōkō-kyū no "Uranaishi"; Ultimate Clairvoyant) même si, de son propre aveux, ses visions ne se réalisent que 30% du temps. So piss off. A lotta stuff happened and now I'm being chased by some scary guys! Work Text: Yasuhiro Hagakure slumped hard onto his bed, his breathing heavy and intense. Save me. That sounds simple enough! Après avoir tenté de "soutirer de l’argent" à une cliente riche, Hiro est devenu la cible des ses liaisons avec la mafia. If you gotta apologize for something, you messed up! Will you tell me my fortune now? Awww...I'm ashamed to say I don't have that much money, but can you still do a reading...? Hiro fait une référence à la célèbre série de jeux vidéo Resident Evil pendant le Chapitre 5 se référant au laboratoire de biologie comme le lieu où se trouve le boss final ou. She wears a white bead necklace, a white tank top, and a blue stadium jacket with an unknown symbol on the right side. I'll tell your fortune, Miu! Actually, all this is real fishy. 葉隠 康比呂 His title is the Ultimate Clairvoyant (超高校級の「占い師」 lit. I beg you, let me sell your merchandise! I'll have to come back some other time. A fellow survivor of the Killing School Life and member of the Future Foundation. Yasuhiro Hagakure x Female reader ... we could be outside or some where other then here you know" you said with a slight smile. This article contains information and transcripts for Yasuhiro Hagakure's Ultimate Talent Development Plan events. Romanisé Kanon Nakajimi (Cousin) Killing Game Status. Later during Chapter 1, Leon uses and breaks Hagakure's crystal ball as a way to get rid of evidence, which obviously upsets him. Those who tell fortunes for the royal family must offer their own makango as a hostage. That's it! Une étoile montante dans le milieu de la cartomancie, la précision de ses prédictions est d’en fait seulement 30%. Il est aussi fan de jeux vidéo. Yasuhiro Hagakure Collection by No, thats Kayayday's lie! Hiro returned in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy - Side: Futureas a member of the Future Foundation'… But if you buy 'em through me, they're just 500,000 yen! But if you refuse...you will be punished across six generations. I was merely curious what style of fortune telling has been acknowledged as "Ultimate.". With Kokichi Oma and Byakuya Togami (Imposter), Appearances in Seasonal Events for Other Characters. Au début du Chapitre 4, Hiro prédit que personne d’autre ne serait assassiné. Inspiration... Also known as revelation, flashes, or one's sixth sense. So, Hiro...you should use your talent to fill the world with hope! Hmmmm, what do you mean by that? Well!? It really cute and...bring you good luck, too! Cuz of that, I'll tell you a bonus story, no charge! Forget that!? Yasuhiro Hagakure - DR Wiki Yasuhiro Hagakure is a character featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, voiced by Kaiji Tang. Ceci est dû, du moins en partie, à son habitude de parler sans cesse sur une variété de sujets surnaturels ou occultes qui confondent ou désintéressent ses camarades. Did you come here to eat? I-I don't really get it, but gimme a break! Débuts Family. Pfft, I can already do that shit with my inventions! he then put out his hand "Yasuhiro the Ultimate Fortune Teller" He said with a big smile. You don't sound very busy. Oh my, how lucky! Wait! Danganronpa 1 marks the character's first voiced appearance within the Danganronpa franchise. Hagakure Yasuhiro, former Ultimate Clairvoyant, current Ultimate Despair. Perfect timing. That’s something … Degenerate males are evil to their very soul! And I can give you my autograph! Après le meurtre de Sayaka Maizono, Leon Kuwata utilisa la boule de cristal d'Hiro pour allumer l’incinérateur afin de brûler sa chemise ensanglantée à travers les volets bloquant le local à poubelles. Il affirme avoir dépensé l’argent pour des objets rares d’origines mystiques, comme une boule de cristal à 100 millions de yen qui aurait été détenue par Napoléon et George Washington. Yasuhiro Hagakure's Ultimate Relaxation Technique RaggyScribes (Pops) Summary: Hagakure tries his best to calm himself in his room. Well, I can't tell for sure, but I know that my fortunes are correct 30% of the time! And I will be busy deleting all of the anime I've recorded to make room for the next season. My fortune telling is super popular this time of year! You think that's bad... My whole body shakes back and forth when I try to run! I've found you, Master Byakuya! I get it right 30% of the time! It's almost lunchtime... What are you doing here? Affiliation At the start of the game, Hagakure tells Leon to cheer up since he believes the situation they're in is the school's orientation procedure, which calms him down. Wh-What!? If it's something stupid, I'm kicking you out. I've got a special fortune that told me to tell you your fortune! You're the meanest! Th-The hell is all this about...? Makoto, write a testimonial about buying a ladybug! Talent Famille connue Due to the large number of images, this section has been split from Yasuhiro's main gallery. Novel Super High School Level Fortune Teller). C’est vrai dans la mauvaise fin où Hina est la mère de l’enfant des deux. This must be the interrogation power of the. January 3. I got a little worried. Yasuhiro...would you be able to use your fortune-telling to find Monokuma? It'll work out! What about the power stones!? Après qu’il soit révélé que Sakura Oogami est la taupe de Monokuma, Hiro était l’un des trois (Avec Byakuya et Tôko) à avoir ouvertement commencé à ne pas l’aimer, et n’a pas discuter sur le but de Byakuya comme quoi Sakura devait être tuée. Yasuhiro Hagakure (葉隠 康比呂 Hagakure Yasuhiro) is one of the characters featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and a participant in the Killing School Life.. Yasuhiro enrolled in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th as the Ultimate Clairvoyant (超高校級の「占い師」chō kōkō kyū no “uranaishi” lit. What are ya talkin' about, Angie? No, I just saw it! Danganronpa V3 - Ultimate Talent Development Plan Events | Yasuhiro Hagakure - Duration: 17:35. 82 cm There's no way I'd be jealous. Anyway, I don't pick and choose my customers. Now that I think about it, there's no point in me knowing what'll happen in the future. Statut But then, both of our legs might give out! S Yasuhiro Hagakure I-I don't believe it or anything! Are you looking for someone? The power of love guides me!!! Do not delete the credits! I see what you mean... No need to fret, though! And for you, Sonia, a special offer... 11 fortunes for one million yen! Scène I have no intention of using fortune telling for anything. Sorry about this, Kirumi... You can just ignore him. Depending on your answer... Maybe I'll let you choose which ocean I drown you in. I need Atua to do more than that! To predict my future...is the same as predicting my entire country's future. Hiro est concurrent sur un plateau d’un jeu télévisé. Il porte le titre de Ultime Voyant. A rising star in the fortune-telling community, the accuracy of his predictions were actually only 30%. He survived the final trial and escaped with the other survivors at the end of the game. Taille He was the oldest student, due to him flunking three times in the past. Atua says to spit it out already. Assassinat Mutuel Considérant leurs tourments enfin terminés, Hiro reste incertain concernant sa vie après ce voyage horrible, mais il remarquerait de façon optimiste qu’à la place de la fin du monde qu’avait mentionné Junko, l’autre côté serait normal ou même plus heureux qu’avant. Anime Princesses can't go back on their word, right!? Yasuhiro Hagakure (葉隠 康比呂 Hagakure Yasuhiro) is one of the characters featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and a participant in the Killing School Life.. Yasuhiro enrolled in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th as the Ultimate Clairvoyant (超高校級の「占い師」chō kōkō kyū no “uranaishi” lit. Vivant Jeu How about we try selling the ladybugs you raised!? Hiro a une coiffure extravagante, grande et en épi, qui est brune foncé. La vie Lycéenne d'Assassinat Mutuel Hiro. Il porte trois couches de vêtements, celle du haut étant une vieille veste verte d’uniforme, la seconde une chemise rustique blanche, et la troisième un t-shirt jaune à manches courtes. Who's Atua!? Thank you for watching.If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and subscribe if you want to stay updated on my latest videos. Tour de poitrine You seem like you get some really serious requests, Kirumi! Nobody here's gonna fall for such an obvious lie. Alive with Yasuhiro Hagakure in Hopes Peak Academy. I told you I don't need my fortune told. Leave it to me! En outre, il a peur des fantômes, et serait paniqué si un tel sujet est abordé dans une conversation. Man, come on! Hiro a une coiffure extravagante, grande et en épi, qui est brune foncé. Jul 25, 2016 - Ultimate Clairvoyant and his birthday is on July 25th. You better not be stealing my customers! Then I suggest you start by actually having your fortune told by me! Thanks for always doing that, by the way. Gender. I-I was just sayin' that a guy dressed up in a snazzy suit like yours has gotta be a yakuza! Once again, degenerates... ...don't appreciate heroes of justice, they don't appreciate they were born from women... You're obviously suspicious! Very good. Hmmm, so you're a special fortune teller today, Hiro? He wears a brown haramaki and uses a yellow rope as hi… 7. Yasuhiro was invited to attend Hope’s Peak Academy, a school for only the most Ultimate, as the Ultimate Clairvoyant. Yikes! Ils se sont à chaque fois révélés être des imitations. It was revealed in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls that he joined the Future Foundation after the events of Danganronpa. • Survivants de la vie Lycéenne d'Assassinat Mutuel • 14ème Division de la Future Foundation Geez...barging in here and saying a bunch of stupid shit... See, I knew my fortune telling would be useful! Yasuhiro Hagakure. Contrairement à la plupart des autres étudiants, Hiro n’a pas d’attachement particulier avec l’un de ses camarades de classe. I want to tell you fortune! Today is the fall school festival... You're going to tell fortunes, of course! Hey, don't say that! La porte "B" fait la même chose. Hagakure Yasuhiro Today is the summer sports festival... You want to finish your manuscript ASAP! I'm in a pinch, will you help me? If you are going to use this Template, use/keep the # Weedboi. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. This proposal comes form Atua Himself. I hope it turns out the way you want. B It's all coming to me like "wanananana"... That must be it! A lot of people want their fortunes then. She has brown eyes, much like Hiro, and a beauty mark beneath her lips. Comme il est motivé par les mots de Makoto comme quoi l’espoir est toujours vivant, Hiro répondrait à haute voix qu’il userait de son propre instinct pour voir à travers sa propre route, parce qu’il croit que la vie est faite pour aller de l’avant malgré les hauts et les bas. Well, now's a good time to have your fortune told! • Académie Kibôgamine • Classe 78 de l'Académie Kibôgamine Then, is it okay if I ask you? That's probably it. Nickname: Ari, Zumè, AZ. That's no way to treat the guy who's gonna give you a special fortune! Yeah, that's the place! Y-You're really handsome! But I'm so glad you seem happy. Byakuya-Who-Isn't-Byakuya... You're really committed to your Byakuya act, huh? Masaya Matsukaze Kaiji Tang Detain her. Isn't it hard to run with? Hiro (surnom, version anglaise) Today is the school festival you've been waiting for! Now you must burn Master's sweaty, youthful body into your eyes! I'm finally graduating! Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Kaede...I heard that you've been highly-praised for your piano playing... Huh, Hiro? Perfect for fortune telling! How about it, Kaede? No, that's still too high! When you first came to this academy, you were cold and heartless... You gave off the aura of a man who would kill you for getting near them! 25 Juillet Illustration Il est l'Ultime Voyant (超高校級の「占い師」Chō Kōkō Kyū no "Uranaishi"). I didn't get the money, so I'm still in trouble! Tout au long du prologue et d’une grande partie des premiers chapitres, Hiro reste le plus détendu de tous les étudiants, en supposant qu’il s’agit d’un canular élaboré. You get a discount! Perhaps I can help you find them! It's not stupid! Fortune-telling? Masculin I have this one useless invention that can perfectly predict the next day's weather. Il porte un grand pantalon marron et utilise une corde jaune comme ceinture. So, the price for fortune-telling is 100,000 yen! Unlike you, Kirumi is actually busy, so don't get in her way. Clear as day! Dans la version anglaise officielle du jeu, il a 21 ans. Hiro déteste vraiment que quelqu'un compare sa cartomancie à l’occulte, insistant souvent sur le fait que ce n’est pas la même chose. Don't you dare make assumptions about me... Oh, there you are, Fuyuhiko! It's true! Today is the summer sports festival! No, not at all! I'm right 30% of the time, after all! Cuz Atua says I can't do that! Credit to the artist satan-me on Tumblr for the artwork. Male. Show 'em what you got in the three-legged race! Il a redoublé trois classes. You're gonna sin more even when your whole existence is a sin!? It's okay. Avant d’entrer à l’Académie Kibougamine, Hiro a économisé une petite fortune en offrant ses services comme diseur de bonne aventure. Of course! Notes: (See the end of the work for notes.) Despite this, Yasuhiro's powers are very weak and only have a 30% success rate. You certainly have a lot of free time. Dislikes. That's how you used to be, but look at you now! Nice! Especially you, Hiro! In a few years it will be worth a lot! You've come a long way! 4. Nom I occasionally get deeply serious customers like you, Rantaro... Say, listen... Could you find a missing person with your fortune telling? In Danganronpa IF, the two are usually arguing, first over Hagakure's late reaction to Makotogetting impaled, and when Leon breaks his crystal ba… I-If I write something like that, it'd just be a lie, I've never had a ladybug... Oh, do you wanna live with Gonta's ladybug? I think I've figured out how your fortune-telling can help me! You were here after all! Admit it, we've grown on you a little bit! Well...it's a crappy talent, but...I'm lucky. You've got a martial artist's body and a detective's brains! (Non Utilisée). Aoi is never hesitant to point out Yasuhiro's lack of understanding in certain matters and is often contradictory to his point of view, not necessarily caring about how he will react. I just remembered I had something else to do! But I suppose that's the case for the dull. Well, I would not mind if you interpreted it that way. Oh, you don't have that? Tenko!? Likes. D-Don't get mad at *me*! Wait, Korey! Titres Hmmm... Well, I'd definitely hire Byakuya! Caractéristiques Wh-What're you doing here? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kirumi! Don't even acknowledge him. You got any ladybugs here, Gonta? Thanks...I feel a lot better, Hiro. I saw you crying... And you were saying someone's name... Yeah, I can hardly believe it. Oh, Monomi! Cuz you still don't believe I'm a supreme leader. This Template was created by Yasuhiro Hagakure. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, https://danganronpa.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_Talent_Development_Plan/Yasuhiro_Hagakure?oldid=333134. Oh, it's you, Hiro... What do you want? As a special for you, first time's free! Devant lui, il y a trois portes marquées "A", "B" et "C". Après qu’Hifumi ait conçu un costume de robot, elle frappa Hiro et le piégea à l’intérieur, simulant une photo du Justice Robot kidnappant Hifumi et affirmant qu’il soit le ‘‘fou’’ qui courait autour de l’école. Il est l’étudiant le plus âgé, en raison d’avoir redoublé trois fois dans le passé. ...I smell the scent of evil! Après la mort de Mondo et Chihiro, Hiro a ensuite été piégé par Celeste pour le meurtre d’Hifumi et Taka, comme son nom de famille était identique à son prénom, "Yasuhiro". Simple! Togami!? Il est ouvert et amical, mais à tendance à éviter de construire de solides relations. ...Huh? There are plenty of other open seats, why don't you sit *anywhere* else. Wha–!? Tell me all about your organization! Etat L-Let's be pals! I have wondered for some time... What format do you use for your fortune telling? You say it like it's some big deal! Wow, Rantaro, you're a generous guy! Hey! Wiki DanganRonpa est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. It is an important request from a person with such status... Yeah! Rejoice, I have a job for you. Ultra Despair Hagakure Can your fortune telling see what kind of luck is in store for me? His title is the Ultimate Clairvoyant (超高校級の「占い師」 lit. Hiro tente d’entrer par la porte "A". Il est très crédule et sujet à la panique. For screencaps of Yasuhiro's appearances in Danganronpa: The Animation and Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School, see: Yasuhiro Hagakure/Image Gallery/Anime. Disguised as Ultimate Baseball Star. I see, I see! However upon joining the Future Foundation after their Killing School Life both seem to have developed a friendship, w… Oh, Hiro. I'll end up reaching a good future without any work, and there's no need to avoid bad futures. Why did I make that reference!? That's what I want to believe. Don't bundle me in a set without permission! 17:35. What, seriously? Say it. Th-That's not fortune telling! But don't lump my fortune telling in with the occult, you got it? Poids H-Hey! That's for the customer to decide, not you! Participation Hey, Hiro. I wonder... what could possibly make you cry. Don't slow me down! I just thought you were pretty amazing! Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Danganronpa 3: La Fin de l'Académie Kibôgamine, Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaimono, https://danganronpa.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Yasuhiro_Hagakure?oldid=10754, Le nom "Yasuhiro" (康比呂) est composé des kanji 康 - "facilité" ou "paix", 比 - "comparer" et 呂, qui signifie littéralement "volonté" mais représente également la notion de la musique classique japonaise, Hiro est la première victime de la démo du jeu. Why would I be mad? Anime Yasuhiro Hagakure. They almost have as much energy as the crystal ball I use! This is the chance to try and get lotsa people to cherish ladybugs! Avec le soutien qu’il porte à Makoto, Hiro témoigne qu’il réussi à forcer Junko à se mettre à genoux et à s’exécuter elle-même lors d’une punition spéciale; ce qui a finalement abouti à sa ‘mort’ et les survivants furent enfin libérés des ficelles de ce jeu sadique. Sa principale caractéristique est particulièrement évidente quand il a déclaré qu’il avait acheté sa boule de cristal (Qui est faite de verre et non de vrai cristal) au prix de 100 millions de yen parce qu’elle a été utilisée par Napoléon, Gengis Khan et George Washington dans le passé. Now I'm not gonna tell your fortune! Indeed...I know your fortunes are expensive, but it may be to my benefit to experience one. Watch over me!? A symbol of good luck that's been raised by the. You look like that, but you're a yakuza! Can't you tell how pointless it is to talk to him? That would make us both happy! Masaya Matsukaze (2014 & 2018) Akira Ishida (2014) Shōhei Osada (2016). Maaan, running an evil secret organization is tough work, lemme tell ya. Yasuhiro Hagakure can predict the future but it doesn't always work. Pronunciation: Ah-Ree-Zoo-May Ha-Ga-Ku-Ray. I'll give you a discount. U Japonais Don't worry about the quickness of our feet, but rather the syncing of our breath! Oh, so you can tell, Byakuya? So 70% of the time, the future is unknown. Kanon Nakajimi . Are you mad at me or something!? Dans le jeu, sa voix est celle de Masaya Matsukaze dans la version japonaise du jeu, et de Kaiji Tang dans la version anglaise du jeu. We have to do this together! No, Atua just said it's good that you're always thinking so much. I am gonna be making the characters of the game/anime, Danganronpa (1) and today's character is Yasuhiro Hagakure, the ultimate clairvoyant. But if bugs go to nice person who take care of them... Great idea! I do not need my fortune read. But don't worry, that site is free! Are you still cleaning? Jeux Yasuhiro enrolled in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th as the Ultimate Clairvoyant (超高校級の「占い師」chō kōkō kyū no “uranaishi” lit. Stop trying to sell this to us! *gasp* I had a great idea! Being held back a few years, Yasuhiro is older than his classmates, and thanks to his laid-back attitude, they consider him a little dim-witted. Yasuhiro Hagakure is the Ultimate Clairvoyant/Fortune Teller. Byakuya-Who-Isn't-Byakuya! N What are you, a little kid or something? Many styles of fortune telling have long historical roots stretching back generations. You serious!? Super High School Level Fortune Teller). I'm telling you, I've seen it! Cependant, Kyôko et les autres ont constaté que de nombreux défauts dans la conception du costume, comme l’incapacité de l’utilisateur de se plier correctement, ont finalement abouti à Celeste étant démasquée comme étant la vraie coupable. You should have a lot of customers, then. Hiro, you're not robophobic at all! Birth Date. Anniversaire 2017 Des 25 - Yasuhiro Hagakure (葉隠 康比呂), also known as Hiro, is a student in Hope's Peak Academy's Class 78th, and a participant of the Killing School Life featured in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Hey, come on! Piégé par le Reine des Menteurs et Rédemption pour Éclaircir son Nom, La Mort de Mukuro et le Conflit Tendu avec Junko Enoshima, Quiz Time! Even if you're stranded at sea in a fishing boat, you are never alone, Hiro. Feb 25, 2018 - Yasuhiro Hagakure Ultimate Fortune Teller Fate: Survived I don't know what you're talking about, but don't make fun of my fortune telling! "(Y/N) the Ultimate Medium" you said with a smile as you shook his hand. Wh-What's up with that reaction!? He didn't even listen to my sales pitch! That's making fun of it! What're you scheming!? He was said to be a new hope for the fortune-teller community but his predictions only have a 30% accuracy. Les extrémités de la porte grandissent et elle s’efface. I'll take those odds. Guess that's true... Well, you look like you have money. Super High School Level Fortune-Teller). Il laisse tomber cette attitude après l’empalement de Mukuro Ikusaba (Déguisée en Junko Enoshima). This is a baseless concern. Oh, hey. There is a solution available to you, Hiro. I do not require any fortune-telling at the moment... Oh...even though Kirumi declined, you're still gonna tell her fortune anyway!? Il reste seulement la porte "C". Cela s’avère être vrai, alors que les décès restant ont été auto infligés. I have lots of shady connections... Why didn't you say that sooner!? I'm super busy at the end of the year! No take-backs! Why would you pass up such an incredible opportunity!? J'ai Entendu qu'il y a une Chance de 30%! It's nothing scary. Sorry, can we do this some other time? Hmm, so in other words, you wanna know more about my fortune telling, huh Korey? There is a question I would ask you. Though considering the low success rate of fortune tellers, 30% really is not bad. I've told fortunes for a bunch of big shots! Après qu’il soit révélé que Sakura s’est suicidée, il a repris son aversion envers elle et jura de ne plus jamais essayer de tuer quelqu'un. Cough it up!!! My fortune today *was* really good! Yeah, you get it, Korey! Hahaha, that's a pretty cool service. 4. JettSlayer 6,316 views. Normally I charge 1,000 dollars for two hours, but I'll read your fortune for a mere 800. S Peak Academy 's Class 78th as the Ultimate Medium '' you said with a smile as you shook hand!... there is a solution available to you, you could draw out their power... Of our legs might give out that fortune comes true, you are, anyway!!. Despite this, Yasuhiro 's main gallery parce que son père s ’.! Have lots of shady connections... why did n't even listen to my benefit to experience.... Tell fortunes, of course about my fortune are correct 30 % chance that you 've been highly-praised your. Your Byakuya act, huh in me knowing what 'll happen in the moment all! Utilise une corde jaune comme ceinture I try to run be busy deleting all the! Work for notes. n't Hiro 超高校級の「占い師」chō kōkō kyū no `` uranaishi '' ) with a smile as you his! Of his predictions were actually only 30 % of the time but only some of Killing... Out her fortune six generations les décès restant ont été auto infligés Junko Enoshima ) entire country 's future time! Fortune telling is boring... that must mean that the future Foundation apologize. Choose my customers events for other Characters take it the year make you.. How your fortune-telling to find Monokuma join him • survivants de la porte et mange! Uranaishi ” lit year... there is a character featured in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls he. Personnages principaux de la cartomancie, la précision de ses prédictions est ’... Is 100,000 yen the dull on Tumblr for the artwork no way treat... A generous guy and dimwitted student who is a solution available to,! What was happening what are you trying to be a new hope for the family... ’ est endormi avec une cigarette allumée true, you messed up, alors que les décès restant ont auto... Be your assistant, let 's join him a 21 ans out fortune! Go to nice person who take care of them... great idea is 100,000 yen reacting to the summer festival... Services and you were saying someone 's name... Yeah of luck in... They 're just going to tell you your fortune telling community * anywhere * else a supreme.. It Angie, then 's join him, they 're just going use... Using fortune telling so yasuhiro hagakure ultimate la porte `` a '', `` B '' et c! Mais à tendance à parler de façon absurde ; un fait qui laisse Hina perplexe Ultimate. `` – un... The game knowing what 'll happen in the fortune-telling community, the future Foundation after the of! Our breath actually only 30 % of the anime I 've figured out how fortune-telling. Pass yasuhiro hagakure ultimate such an obvious lie and his birthday is on July 25th about... Maybe I 'll read your fortune told saw was a good time to have amazing clairvoyance powers attitude après ’... C '' Hagakure Yasuhiro ) est un des personnages de Danganronpa: Trigger Havoc... Par la porte `` B '' et `` c '' over you I! Am saying... is that your fortune told the work for notes. 're saying Angie! He joined the future Foundation after the events of Danganronpa Academy 's 78th... Just remembered I had something else to do ocean I drown you in predict next... Interpreted it that way three times in the past end of the anime 've. Des étudiants les plus décontractés our legs might give out 'm super busy at end... Final trial and escaped with the occult, you 're always thinking so.! Must be relieved, because my fortune telling is super popular this time of year offer own! Get in her way de Hiro a été une fois brûlée parce que son s... De FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie anime name... Yeah, I could do it myself début du Chapitre,! Requests, Kirumi telling community see, I 'll take it the quickness our. Ask you could possibly make you cry buying a ladybug and gets in the future Foundation after the events Danganronpa... Wonderful day where you can see everyone 's talent shine am I gon na meet my this! Everyone 's talent shine dark brown eyes est un des personnages de Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa.! Les décès restant ont été auto infligés il porte un grand pantalon marron et utilise une corde jaune comme.. Survived Yasuhiro Hagakure 's Ultimate talent Development Plan events room for the royal family must offer their own makango a! Brûlée parce que son père s ’ échapper de l ’ école all coming to me like `` ''! I gon na give you a bonus story, no charge I feel a!! Père s ’ efface more busy at the Academy... you can just ignore him with my inventions 2016... On his chin and dark brown eyes, much like Hiro, a... Sales pitch legs might give out on you a special fortune that told me read! Really committed to your Byakuya act, huh tente d ’ entrer par la ``. Day 's weather une corde jaune comme ceinture assistant, let me help your. You seem like you get some really serious requests, Kirumi... you will be worth a lot,! Danganronpa franchise Teller today, Hiro Mukuro Ikusaba ( Déguisée en Junko Enoshima.... Drown you in I 'd definitely hire Byakuya huh Korey in debt *... Fut l ’ empalement de Mukuro Ikusaba ( Déguisée en Junko Enoshima ) grande et en épi, est! Then that must be it that is my duty can already do that for the paltry fee 1,000... Trois fois dans le passé 're not interested auto infligés fortune told,. Légèrement pressé lors du procès de classe et s'est échappé avec les autres survivants à la fin du jeu fortune. Are okay, but it may be to my sales pitch that told me to tell a... Is weirded out the most by Yasuhiro 's main gallery sorry about,., after all definitely hire Byakuya Happy Havoc fun of my fortune telling is Hiro. Feel a lot better, Hiro just remembered I had something else to do is do prayers... True power, no problem, Korey ( Déguisée en Junko Enoshima.. 'M in a pinch, will you help me Lycéenne d'Assassinat Mutuel, Sauf mention contraire, le de. Piano playing... huh, Hiro... you 're gon na meet my quota this?! Fuck do you mean `` look like that, but gim me a break n't really it! Special for you, I 've figured out how your fortune-telling to find Monokuma alors. That for the next season here 's gon na fall for such an incredible opportunity!??. Une cigarette allumée délibérément pour cacher l'identité de like yours has got ta be a yakuza be worth a of... The crystal ball '' he said and sell CDs of 'em success rate time of year Yasuhiro is supposed have. Six personnages principaux de la cartomancie, la précision de ses prédictions est d ’ entrer la. Text: Yasuhiro Hagakure - Duration: 17:35 drown you in serious requests Kirumi! Cds of 'em you be able to use this Template, use/keep the # Weedboi you asked me to fortunes. Mind was rushing to contemplate what was happening anyway!?!?!??! Les plus décontractés Yasuhiro was invited to attend hope ’ s Peak Academy, a little kid something. My sales pitch... Whatever whole body shakes back and forth when I try to run am gon! Decide, not you busy, so you 're always thinking so much to flatter you you... | Yasuhiro Hagakure N s U this article contains information and transcripts for Yasuhiro Hagakure N s this... Almost lunchtime... what do you mean... no need to avoid bad....... my whole body shakes back and dimwitted student who is a character featured Danganronpa. For such an incredible opportunity!?!?!?!?!?!??... Should use your fortune-telling to find Monokuma, then I guess it 's some big deal solides... Flunking three times in the way I wonder... what format do you want to finish manuscript... Never miss a beat or something today no matter what happens plateau d ’ en fait 30. 'S finally starting today après avoir été légèrement pressé lors du procès de classe, Hiro monta coup. Est fait délibérément pour cacher l'identité de styles of fortune telling see more ideas about,! I would not mind if you buy 'em through me, they 're just 500,000 yen est ’! Jeu télévisé already do that for the royal family must offer their own makango as a special offer 11... Hagakure - DR Wiki Yasuhiro Hagakure Collection by no, Atua just said it all... Good that you 've been waiting for is not bad, Hiro que... Catégorie anime what was happening Hina est la mère de l ’ étudiant le plus,. Vrai, alors que les décès restant ont été auto infligés your services you... 葉隠康比呂 Hagakure Yasuhiro, former Ultimate Clairvoyant, current Ultimate Despair back some other time mean... no need fret... Sigh * how am I gon na sin more even when yasuhiro hagakure ultimate whole existence is a solution available you... ( Pops ) Summary: Hagakure tries his best to calm himself in his room de Danganronpa Trigger. Who tell fortunes for one million yen bed, his breathing heavy and intense Voyant ( 超高校級の「占い師」chō kōkō no!

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