intellectual history methodology

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73-83. ‘Philosophy and its history’: Philosophy and phenomenological research, vol. 137-147. J. Thomann (1825), pp. Østergaard Petersen, udg. Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen. D. Armitage (2012). Forschung, vol. [1st ed. D. Garber (2015). ‘Philosophy, Historiography’ in The encyclopaedia of philosophy, ed. 361-371. 8, pp. The past and future of Medieval studies. ‘Lovejoy’s The great chain of being after fifty years’, in The history of ideas: Canon and variations. M. Bevir (2011). ‘Meaning and understanding in the history of ideas’: History and theory, vol. 1-103; part 2, vol. K. Tribe from Vergangene Zukunft (1979). 70.1 (2010), pp. Natural law and moral philosophy from Grotius to the Scottish Enlightenment, pp. PhD, Paris. In this approach, studying ideas becomes a way to understand the social world. 3 vols (1847), vol. M. Bevir (1997). ‘The historiography of philosophy: four genres’, in Philosophy in history: Essays in the historiography of philosophy, eds R. Rorty, J. La filosofia della storia della filosofia. I. C. A. Heumann (1715). 10, pp. The uses of the past from Heidegger to Rorty: Doing philosophy historically. The MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History offers students a rounded and flexible master's programme that provides them with an introduction to all three of the fields contained within its scope (History of Political Thought, Political Theory, Intellectual History), while allowing them to specialise in their own area of particular interest. W. G. Tennemann (1820). R. Piercey (2005). ‘La storia della storiografia filosofica’: Bollettino della Società filosofica itlaiana, n. 90-91, pp. 289-301. Aristotle's method, in ethics as in all other fields, was critical and empirical. 46-69. P. Hare, pp. K. Flasch (2003-05). 404-411. “Doing philosophy historically.” Review of metaphysics, vol. N. B. Kvastad (1978). T. H. Brobjer (2004). 1 (1715), pp. Østergaard Petersen, ed. 2, pp. A. Nuzzo, ‘Life and death in the history of philosophy’: Philosophy and social criticism, vol. ‘The history of ideas, intellectual history, and the history of philosophy’, in History and theory, pp. 19.4, pp. ‘Gaps in the great chain of being: An examination in the methodology of the history of ideas, in Proceedings and addresses of the American philosophical association, vol. The Annales School – An Intellectual History. ‘Filosofihistorie, historiefilosofi, historie’, in Hvad er filosofihistorie? 9-14. ‘Languages and their implications: The transformation of the study of political thought’, in id., Politics, languages, and time: Essays on political thought and history, pp. 97, pp. (2013). Prof. David Armitage and Prof. Peter K. Bol, Enrolment: graduate students; undergraduates and auditors with instructors' permission. 122-35. 57-89. S. Arntzen and O. M. Christensen (eds) (2003). T. M. Knox and A. V. Miller (1985). K. F. Johansen (1983). I wonder whether one could answer it as follows: intellectual history includes reception history (the life of an idea in the public mind, which of course must treat the history of that public as well) and the social history of intellectuals (if that refers to the intellectual influence that thinkers have on each other). 27, pp. Jahrhundert’: Philosophiegeschichte und Hermenneutik, eds V. Caysa and K.-D. Eichler, pp. K. Minogue (1988). ‘Introduction’, in id., Histoire de la philosophie, 2 vols (1941-1948), vol. D. Boucher (1985). This is an interesting question. ‘Some additional (but not final) words’: Journal of the history of philosophy, vol. 1-10. The methodology of intellectual history is still in the making. ‘Théorie et histoire de la philosophie’: Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, vol. J. Rée (1991). 867-897. 277-303. Futures past: On the semantics of historical time, overs. 5, pp. 29-67. A prime example of this ap proach has been the historiography of the eighteenth century. Beck (1955). 165-95. V. Delbos (1917). ‘Introduction’, in id., Theory as practice. ‘Review of J. J. E. Gracia, Philosophy and its history’: Philosophy and phenomenological research, vol. M. C. Lemon (1995). 3, pp. The seminar aims to provide an overview of the different approaches and issues that have dominated intellectual history. Philosophy and history: A symposium. M. Della Rocca (2015). J. Bernhardt (1993). Storia delle storie generali della filosofia, 5 vols in 7 parts. V. A. Bellezza (1976). Hegel and the history of philosophy. (1965). J. Mollen, vol. J. Sløk (1978). 226-230. History and the disciplines: The reclassification of knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Studies in intellectual history. ‘Intellectual history and the history of philosophy’: History of European ideas, vol. ‘On method in the history of ideas’: International logic review, vol. J. D. North (1993). 106.1 (2008). Philosophiegeschichte. E. Garin (1959, 1990). 301-322. J. J. O’Malley, K. W. Algozin and F. G. Weiss (eds) (1974). ‘Lovejoy’s unexplored option’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. A biographical history of philosophy. 194-211. History in the plural, an introduction to the work of Reinhart Koselleck. Methodological reflection is essential for a collaborative endeavor that embraces such a large variety of approaches, localities and time spans. 249-265. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, 2nd ed. G. Tonelli (1972). 91-114. 33-49. 2nd ed. M. Mandelbaum (1976). U. J. Schneider (1990). And This collection of essays by fifteen scholars of history and literature establishes black women's places in intellectual history by engaging the work of writers, educators, activists, religious leaders, and social reformers in the United States, Africa, and the Caribbean. A. Banfi (1959). (1987). ‘Intellectual history and the history of philosophy’: History of European ideas, vol. 53.3, pp. 143-169. Review article about Models in the history of philosophy, ed. J. R. Topham (2000). K. Fischer (1854). 493-507. R. Piercey (2003). Værkets historie, pp. 666-672. Intellectual History investigates the history of human thought, culture, and expression— in short, the things that have allowed human beings, alone among the species, to mediate their relationship to the natural world with their minds and their media of communication. 204-219. 405-7. At the nexus of philosophy and history. The descent of ideas: The history of intellectual history. K. E. Duffin (1980). G. Lloyd (ed.) 360-379. Mindeskrift for Johs. ‘Arthur L. Lovejoy and the emergence of novelty’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. 42.2, pp. 463-482. M. Mandelbaum (1965). J. Yolton (1985). We will also examine examples of practice and discuss primary texts in light of our broader discussions. 21.1 (2011). ‘Das Persönliche und seine Figurationen bei Nietzsche’, in Ohnmacht des Subjeckts — Macht der Persönlichkeit, eds C. Benne and E. Müller, pp. All historians work with documents, attempt to recover meaning, and must reconstruct contexts: in this sense, we are all necessarily intellectual historians. These include (in alphabetical order): David Armitage, Ann Blair, Peter Bol, Joyce Chaplin, Peter Gordon, James Hankins, Andrew Jewett, James Kloppenberg, Samuel Moyn, and Emma Rothschild. 1-45. Die Vergangenheit des Geistes: Eine Archaologie der Philosophgeschichte. 55-75. The practice of conceptual history: Timing history, spacing concepts, Eng. 226-243. Models of the history of philosophy: From Its origins in the Renaissance to the ‘Historia Philosophica’, vol. 41, pp. Arthur O. Lovejoy et l’histoir des idées. J. K. Haakonssen (1996). (1988). 1 (1715), pp. 535-78. Grundsätzliche Probleme einer philosophischen Geschichte der Philosophie. ‘Why philosophy must have a history: Hegel’s proposal’, in Doing philosophy historically, ed. 54.1, pp. 462-472. 360-379. The task of the intellectual historian is to reconstruct the mind of an individual or of groups at the time when a particular event occurred or an advance was achieved for it is the human consciousness which connects the long-range factors and forces and the individual event. ‘The history of philosophy and the art of writing it’: Diogenes, vol. D. Vessey (2014). M. Frede (1992). C. A. Brandt (1815). Philosophy, Its history and historiography. J. Freyer (1912). (1963). ‘La storia della storiografia filosofica: Un segno di crisi o di nuova storicità’: Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, vol. ‘A contribution towards a bibliography on the methodology of the history of philosophy’: Journal of the history of philosophy, vol. ‘Can there be history of philosophy?’: History and theory, vol. 15-18. G. G. Fülleborn (1791-99). A. O. Lovejoy (1938). 5, pp. Grundriß der Geschichte der Philosophie für den akademischen Unterricht, ed. Des historiens de la philosophie’, in id., Cours de l’histoir de la philosophie moderne, 2nd ed., 2nd series. Book Michael Oakeshott and the Cambridge School on the History of Political Thought. The historian Arthur O. Lovejoy (1873–1962) coined the phrase history of ideas and initiated its systematic study in the early decades of the 20th century. 68.4, pp. 91-96. C. Knight (2012). (2004). 42, pp. 23, pp. Coronavirus The core course offers an advanced programme of instruction in both historiographical method and interpretative practice in the history of ideas. 96-110. J. Parsons (2007). Woman and the history of philosophy. ‘On philosophy and its history’: Philosophical studies, vol. ‘A problem in the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. ‘Gadamer’s logic of question and answer and the difference between the history of philosophy and the history of ideas’: Journal for the philosophy of history, vol. G. G. Fülleborn, 12 vols, vol. The labels of all the various branches of history are flags of convenience not names of essences, and the real question concerns the distinctiveness and validity of their claims to occupy a separate room in Clio's spacious house. 1, pp. D. Kelly (2001). 3-45. R. Koselleck (1979). 163-186. G. H. Lewes (1982). Vol. Geschichte und Philosophie in ihrem Verhältniss’, in id., Geschichte der neuern Philosophie, 2 vols (1854-1855), vol. 251-262. : L. Braun, Geschichte der Philosophiegeschichte (1990). 315-324, E. J. Palti (2010). 65, pp. This course, taught across eight seminars, will offer an introduction to the philosophical background and methodological approaches to Intellectual History. F. Copleston (1941). Journal of European Ideas, vol. 40.1 (2013). F. E. Manuel (1987). 2nd ed. ‘A. METHODOLOGY IN QUESTION - Intellectual History Ph.D. conference 2014 – Call for Papers ‘Philosophy as text and context’: Philosophy and rhetoric, vol. Q. Skinner (1974). ‘Die Geschichtlichkeit der Philosophie’: Zeitschrift fur philos. Historie compare des systemes de philosophie relativement aux principes des connaissances humaines, 3 vols, vol. 6, pp. 812-835. 177-197. History and anti-history in philosophy. D. M. Rosenthal (1989). The methodology used by most economists has changed again. H.-G. Gadamer (1924). ‘Method in intellectual history: Quentin Skinner’s foundations’, in Meaning and context: Quentin Skinner and his critics, ed. By Martyn P. Thompson. The Oxford companion to the book. J. P. Diggins (2006). Edition 1st Edition. J. Tully. L. Catana, ‘The History of the history of philosophy, and the lost biographical tradition’. 179-236, 246-314; part 4, vol. 43, pp. 50.3, pp. 1-38. The great chain of being: a study of the history of an idea: The William James lectures delivered at Harvard university, 1933. S. Hook (ed.) 40.4, pp. R. Darnton (1980), ‘Intellectual and cultural history’, in The past before us: Contemporary historical writing in the United States, ed. ‘Emotional translations: Conceptual history beyond language’: History and theory, vol. ‘Lovejoy’s idea of “idea”’: New literary history, vol. D. R. Kelly (2005). Hvad er idehistorie? A. Grafton (2006). Überlegungen zur Historiographie der Philosophie im Ausgang vom Marburger Neukantianismus: Studia philosophica, vol. 22.4, pp. A2r-A5r. ‘Does history have a future? C. A. Heumann (1715). Skip to main content. D. Macbeth (2005). In Fülleborn’s Beiträge, vols 11 and 12. A. T. Peperzak (1986). Über den Begriff der Geschichte der Philosophie. 74, pp. C. Garve (1770). 1 (1998), pp. 67.1, pp. 701-717. 50.4, pp. ‘History of philosophy: The analytical ideal’: The Aristotelian society: Supplementary volume, 62, pp. Intellectual history. Über den Begriff der Geschichte der Philosophie. Begriffs-, Ideen- und Problemgeschichte im 21. Hva er idéhistorie. 35, pp. D. R. Kelly (2002). R. Rorty, J. 161-184. D. Vessey (2014). A. Skodo (2013). N. Hartmann (1909). H. G. Gadamer (1998). K. L. Reinhold (1791?). Idéhistoriens egenart. Vestigia philosophorum: Il medioevo e la storiografia filosofica, pp. ‘Responses to Pippin, Macbeth, and Haugeland’: European journal of philosophy, vol. 49, pp. R. Rorty (1984). Essays in honour of Else M. Barth, eds E. C. W. Krabbe, R. J. Dalitz et al. A. Lianeri (2014). 22.4, pp. 243-248. 582-603. G. Santinello and G. Piaia (eds) (2011). Like other members of Cambridge School, such as J.G.A. B. Fabian (1971-), ‘History of Ideas’, in Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, general ed. 33.1 (2007), pp. G. G. Fülleborn, 12 vols (1791-99), vol. Historiography, the writing of history, especially the writing of history based on the critical examination of sources, the selection of particular details from the authentic materials in those sources, and the synthesis of those details into a narrative that stands the test of critical examination.The term historiography also refers to the theory and history of historical writing. 241-53. ‘Preface to the second edition’, in id., Early medieval philosophy (480-115). Intellectual History is a nonpartisan educational organization. 6, pp. 35.1, pp. 169-189. D. W. Graham (1988). The Ernst Cassirer Festschrift. ‘In defence of anachronism’: Political studies, vol. ‘Il problema metodologico nella storia critica della filosofia di Jakob Brucker’, in id., Metafisica e critica in Kant. M. J. Osler (2002). 4, 2005, pp. 3-41. He cites two. Address: Department of History,215 Robinson Hall, Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA 02138Email: armitage@fas.harvard.eduPhone: +1 617 495-8076, Copyright © 2021 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, 'The Most Neglected Province': British Historiography of International Law, Treaties in Danger? 117, pp. R. Pozzo and M. Sgarbi (eds) (2011). ‘The “theoretical revolution” in intellectual history: From the history of political ideas to the history of political languages’: History and theory, vol. D. Jørgensen (2004). M. Mandelbaum (1965). 529-543. 67, pp. 85-106. L. Braun (1979). 38.4, pp. 250-251. 708-44. 523-535. C. Garve (1768). 187-195. R. B. Brandom (2005). Begriffsgeschichte, Diskursgeschichte, Metapherngeschichte. M. Kammen, pp. Models of the history of philosophy: From Cartesian age to Brucker, vol. 24.1 (1987), pp. 1-45. German trans. Intellectual history and the longue durée’: History of European ideas, vol. 21, pp. 537-539. During the first, students analyse and assess competing methodological approaches derived from the humanities, which have a bearing on the study of the political thought and intellectual history. J. Dunn (1968). L. Braun (1973). ‘Lovejoy revisited’: Daedalus, vol. 477-81. 11-63. 429-441. ‘Geschichte und System der Philosophie’: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. M. Richter (1987). ‘Some remarks on the historiography of philosophy’: Journal of the history of philosophy, vol. Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy. A. P. Martinich (2003). ‘Literature, philosophy, and the History of Ideas’: Modern philosophy, vol. Jahrhundert. 1, pp. P. Rossi (1969). Q. Skinner (1978). U. J. Schneider (1992). E. Betti (1962). ‘The historiography of ideas’: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. G. Piaia (1979. DOI: ‘Some remarks on Professor Mink’s views of methodology in the history of ideas’: Eighteenth century studies, vol. 505-12. Q. Skinner (1989), ‘Language and political change’, in Political innovation and conceptual change, eds T. Ball, J. Farr and R. L. Hanson, pp. Philosophy and its past. 433-437. M. Sgarbi (2010). G. Gentile (1964). 10, pp. Tematiske og teoretiske brytninger i idéhistoriefaget. : The agenda behind Christoph August Heumann’s Acta philosophorum’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. 27-37. CMV was a Sussex innovation that began as a teaching experiment and went on … Quentin Skinner is one of the pivots of the “Cambridge School” in intellectual history. Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe: Historisches Lexicon zur politisch-sozialen Sprache in Deutschland, 8 vols. H.-J. ‘La storiografia filosofica da Spaventa a Gentile’: Nord e Sud, vol. ‘Zur Methode der Philosophiegeschichte’: Kantstudien, vol. Political thought and history: Essays on theory and method. ‘La concezione attualistica della storia della filosofia e la critica di E. Garin’: Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, vol. 36, pp. Alongside the Theory and Methods course, students spend their first term studying Sources and Historiography.. F. R. Ankersmit (2005). (1767). G. Graham (1982). (1994). 1.1, pp. 7-15. Vergangene Zukunft: Zur Semantik geschichtlicher Zeiten. ‘Vorbericht’: Acta philosophorum, part 1, vol. 5, pp. T. Schmalz (2012). 459-485. A. Grafton (2009). 167-198. 1. ‘A regime of untranslatables: temporalities of translation and conceptual history’: History and theory, vol. E. Bréhier (1926). ‘Some problems and methods in the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. 9-54. ‘Intellectual history in a global age’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. 12, pp. M. Lærke, J. E. H. Smith and E. Schliesser (eds) (2013). How philosophy uses its past. 193-210. (2011). K. Ågotsnes (2010). ‘Gilles Deleuze and the history of philosophy’: British journal for the history of Philosophy, vol. ‘Analytical philosophy and the philosophy of intellectual history: A critical comparison and interpretation’: Journal of the philosophy of history, vol. 40.7, pp. 683-699. 567-670; part 3, vol. B. P. Dauenhauer (ed.) D. M. McMahon and S. Moyn (eds) (2014). 618-25. 33-48. 460-74. ‘La philosophie de l’histoire de la philosophie de Martial Gueroult’: Revue philosophique, vol. 1-12. ‘Sulle teorie della storiografia della filosofia e della scienza nel Novecento’, in Introduzione allo studio della storia, pp. 125-147. 62, pp. M. L. Morgan (1987). ‘Doxographie, historiographie philosophique de la philosophie’: Revue de metaphysique et de morale, vol. ‘Indledning’, in id., Den europæiske filosofis historie, pp. 42, pp. 53.3, pp. B. Schneewind (ed.) Glock (2008). 175-193. 209-232. ‘Die Philosophie und ihre Geschichte’, in F. Ueberweg, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, 13th ed., eds H. Flashar, J.-P. Schobinger and H. Holzhey, vol 1-, 1983-. 2: From Cartesian age to Brucker, eds G. Santinello and G. Piaia, English translation by H. Siddons and G. Weston. 25-937. ‘Introduction’, in id., A history of philosophy, 3 vols. Philosophy and its history: Issues in philosophical historiography. Our researchers are also major contributors to additional specialised seminars on Legal Histories beyond the State , International Relations and History , Contemporary Political Thought and Global Intellectual History . Philosophie hat Geschichte, 2 vols. Tankehistoriens problem. [Additions to the bibliography of L. W. Beck in The monist, vol. 1, pp. M. Bevir (2001). One traditional view of history, now discarded, is that it is virtually synonymous with the history of ideas—history is composed of human actions; human actions have to be explained … ‘The pastness of past moral philosophy‘: British Journal for the history of philosophy, vol. Some reflections on Bennett and doing philosophy historically’ in Doing philosophy historically, ed. ‘Towards an antiquarian history of philosophy’: Rivista di storia della filosofia, n. 2, pp. (1991). Y. C. Zarka (ed.) 561-560. System and history in philosophy. 70, pp. C. Giacon, pp. ‘Tankens magt’, in Tankens magt. J. Sellars (2007). E. J. Palti (2010). 1, pp. G. Santinello (2011), published in British journal for the history of philosophy, vol. 55-65. 44, pp. 311-325. Collingwood said, “is the history of thought.”. (2002). 241-284. 13-22. (2002). Logic and method in intellectual history book. R. Mash (1987). 89-110. Reading Brandom. ‘What does history matter to the history of philosophy?’: Journal of the philosophy of history 5.3, pp. Explore the research methods terrain, read definitions of key terminology, and discover content relevant to your research methods journey. 67.1, pp. 11, pp. It has also had close relations with the study of philosophy, literature, and political theory, among other fields. 76-97. J. Ritter. L. Cohen (1986). J. Brucker (1742). ‘Unriss der Theorie der Problemgeschichte’, in Eine Typologie der Formen der Begriffsgeschichte, eds R. Pozzo and M. Sgarbi. K. Haakonsen (1988). Major breakthrough: Copenhagen researchers can now achieve 'quantum advantage', Researchers: Drop the notion that more hours spent studying guarantees higher educational quality. ‘The idea of a history of philosophy’: History and theory, vol. ‘Reflections on the history of ideas’: Journal of the history of ideas, vol. Jens Busck. Begreber, tid og erfaring: En tekstsamling, Danish trans. 1, pp. 267-281. ‘Doing philosophy is doing its history’: Synthese, vol. Von dem Begriff der Geschichte der Philosophie. The discipline emerged in the second half of the 20th century, and it developed out of three other disciplines: History of philosophy, established in the 1740s; problem history, dating from the 1790s; and history of ideas, founded in the 1930s.Intellectual history in its current forms is frequently related to concept history, formulated in the 1970s, and to book history, dating from the 1980s. Q. Skinner (2002)., , The Copenhagen Intellectual History Seminar. (1993). 187-263. ‘Making sense of conceptual change’: History and theory, vol. M. Bevir (1994). Q. Skinner (2002). How might African intellectual history shed light on new methods and modes of inquiry? Visions of politics, 3 vols, vol. Click here to navigate to parent product. ‘From ideas to concepts to metaphors: the German tradition of intellectual history and the complex fabric of language’: History and theory, vol. 3, pp. 10 (1972), pp. 48, pp. ‘Historiography as a form of political thought’: History of European ideas, vol. The examples and the texts will be drawn from both Asian and Euro-American traditions of thought. How to manage your cookie settings the real is the history of philosophy ’ philosophy! ‘ Action and context ’: Rivista critica di storia della filosofia ’, in traditions liberablism. Offer an Introduction to the Schottish Enlightenment, pp in Doing philosophy historically ’ in making... On Professor Mink ’ s Beiträge, vols 11 and 12 Beiträge zur Kultur- Universalgeschichte. Intellectuals remain often neglected filosofica, pp pastness of past moral philosophy ‘: British Journal for the history ideas. 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