jujube fruit benefits side effects

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It is often mixed with oleaster. The antioxidants such as vitamin C and other relevant compounds protect the mother and the baby developing in her womb from the oxidative damage caused by the free radicals. However, it is useful to consult your physician because it interacts with the drugs used in some diseases or has the possibility of side effects. Health Benefits of Jujube. This provides relief from constipation and also helps in treating other gastrointestinal issues such as abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, gas, bloating and flatulence, etc. Immune Support Jujube is a fruit with a lot of potassium and is therefore very useful for heart health. Jujube fruit is an excellent source of many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and dietary fibers, etc. See Also. In addition to this, the dietary fibers present in the jujube fruit keeps our stomach fuller for a longer duration and decreases our urge to eat again and again. Giving zizyphus to infants with jaundice doesn't seem to reduce levels of bilirubin, the chemical in the blood that causes skin yellowing. The jujube fruit, the ziziphus jujuba, originated in China. Glycemic index of jujube fruit is low which means it releases sugar into the bloodstream at a slow rate, and prevents a sudden spike in the blood sugar level and thus helps in managing diabetes. Regular and moderate consumption of jujube fruit is very beneficial for people with diabetes and for those who are at the risk of developing diabetes. Consuming too many jujubes may increase the total calorie intake of the body, and may increase the risk of weight gain. It helps relieve anxiety as well. In addition, consuming it continuously can be harmful for some bodies. Jujubes contain saponins, which have a relaxing and soothing effect on the nervous system.Sedation is thus another benefit of jujube if you are looking to improve your sleep duration and quality. By regular use of jujube oil extract or consuming the fruits themselves have an impact on the hormonal levels and encourage a calm, relaxed sensation throughout your body and mind. Although I’ve tried my best to keep the information contained in this post as accurate and updated as possible, I make no guarantee of the accurateness of the same. During periods of planned surgery, specialist help must be obtained for jujube consumption. Benefits of Jujube fruit. Also, if you are suffering from hypertension and already taking medication for the same then overeating jujube fruit may interfere with the medication and may worsen the situation. Jujube fruit has no major side effects. Otherwise it can cause even lower blood sugar. Excessive consumption of anything ( no matter how healthy it is) is bad for our health and the same is true for the jujube fruit. May Treat Insomnia. Jujube treatment (fruit powder, three times daily for one month) decreased total cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels in obese patients with elevated fat levels in the blood .Low levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL) and excess fat in the blood (triglycerides) are heart disease risk factors and are linked to obesity. Anticancer Abilities. It is proven to have calming effects on … Good for cancer, insomnia remedy, constipation benefits are among the benefits of the jujube.It is an olive-like, core fruit.Generally used in Asian countries, China has been known for many years. Jujube fruit is an ancient fruit originating in China, also known as Chinese date, Indian plum and Indian cherry. 8 Side Effects … Hypertension is a common health problem that affects millions of people around the world and is a leading cause of various cardiovascular problems such as heart attack, heart stroke, blockage of arteries and so on. Also when you consume this fruit, then you can stimulate the production of the white blood cells. Consuming vast quantities of dates fruit can cause chest pain. Traditional usage of Jujube is taking 50g of the fruits (20 individual 2-2.5cm diameter fruits) and doing a hot water extract, either a soup of a beverage. Pros & Cons Reviews © 2021. It is often mixed with oleaster. this fruit is in high content of fiber and water. Jujube also regulates blood sugar level but consuming the fruit in excess may jeopardize the normal sugar level and may affect the pregnancy negatively. They also provide a number of other benefits such as strengthening our immune system, improving cardiovascular health, improving cognitive functions, etc. Potassium is a vital mineral that acts as a natural vasodilator which means it relaxes our blood vessels, improves blood circulation and thus regulates our blood pressure level. Side Effects and Warnings. Hypoglycemic is a condition in which our blood sugar level drops down below the normal range and is characterized by the symptoms such as excessive sweating, excessive hunger, fainting, fatigue, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, dry lips, palpitation and sensation of pins and needles. This is because what she eats and drinks not only determines her health, but also the health and Wellness of the fetus developing in her womb. General Gastrointestinal Benefits. Detoxifying the blood is also one of the health benefits of jujube. This may increase the risk of dehydration and digestive problems such as constipation, stomach discomfort, abdominal pain, etc. This merit of jujube is mainly because of its low glycemic index. However, if taken in excess it can harm the body. Eating too many jujube fruits is bad for our health, and in this article, we will know about the major side effects of consuming too many jujubes, but first, let’s take a look at the below-mentioned nutrition chart of jujube. And  it is even called the fruit of immortality. In this article, we will know about the major health and beauty benefits of jujube fruit, but first, let’s take a look at the below-mentioned nutrition chart of jujube. Although dietary fibers are good for our digestive health, it is recommended to be on the safe side and enjoy the fruit in moderation. However, evidence from epidemiologic and clinical studies is largely lacking. Boosts Immunity. They absorb excess fluid from our system and also helps against diarrhea. Jujube fruit or jujuba is a species of the Ziziphus genus and belongs to buckthorn family. Some of the side effects are given as under: Suggested Read:-  6 Major Side Effects of Eating Too Many Kiwanos ( Horned Melons). Although jujube is a good fruit for weight loss, it should be remembered that the actual weight gain or weight loss depends on your total calorie intake. This is because the high level of potassium in our system may lower our blood pressure to a very low level giving rise to hypotension. Benefits for Slimming:It is among the benefits of jujube to help slimming. Jujube being very beneficial for health, is consumed abundantly in China. So, incorporate this low calorie fruit in your diet and reap several of jujube fruit benefits. The sedative properties of jujube fruit can induce calmness which can be beneficial for people who experience anxiety. Zizyphus is a shrub or small tree. Jujube is a fruit that many people don’t know and don’t hear its name. And, if you are already enjoying a balanced diet and getting enough calories in your diet, then overconsumption of jujubes may lead to weight gain. The effects that jujube has on GABA and serotonin, two important neurotransmitters for mood and relaxation, are sources of the plant’s anxiolytic powers. Another study conducted by the office of the dietary supplements found that the high intake of vitamin E for a long period of time may increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. The water extracted from jujubes has demonstrated its potential at inhibiting cancerous cells. People with a low blood sugar level should definitely get expert opinion before consuming jujube. The small, red round fruit has edible skin and a sweet flavor. 4. It is even consumed abundantly in China because of this feature and is known for its protection from cancer. There are findings indicating that it affects the anesthesia stage negatively during surgical interventions. 3. As described by “Health Benefits of Jujube Fruit” in EHow.com, the jujube fruit contains 18 of the 24 amino acids required by the human body. It acts as energy booster in cases of fatigue, loss of energy and lack of appetite. Jujube fruit can be consumed in its raw form, and it is a fruit suitable for consumption throughout the year in its dry form. Suggested Read:-  33 Amazing Health & Beauty Benefits of Jujube Fruit. Glycemic index is a scale from 0 to 100 that determines the rate at which a particular food item releases sugar into the bloodstream. Soothes Anxiety Jujube has been proven to have calming effects on brain and nervous system. 33. The dietary fibers present in the jujube fruit acts as a natural laxative which means it improves bowel movement and ensures smooth elimination of stool from our system. The dietary fibers in the jujube improve the digestive health of the mother and prevent her from gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, gas and bloating, etc. May Enhance Gastrointestinal Health. 1. Especially during pregnancy and after breastfeeding, doctor’s advice should be taken regarding the consumption of jujube. Jujube is an excellent source of many nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, phytonutrients, polyphenols and dietary fibers, etc that provides a number of health and beauty benefits. May Help Reduce Cancer Risk. These antioxidants and the other relevant compounds like phytonutrients and polyphenols etc protect our cells and tissues from the oxidative damage caused by the free radicals in our body. The calorie value of it … Consuming jujube fruit on a regular and moderate basis is very beneficial for our stomach and improves our digestive health. As such, there are no side-effects of consuming jujubes throughout pregnancy if it is fresh and taken in moderation. Consuming jujube fruit on a regular and … So that is all about Jujube Fruit. Jujube fruits are also found useful in the treatment of itching, which is caused by several skin disorders, hysteria. Tags: JujubeNutrition Facts of Raw JujubeVitamins and minerals in Jujube. The fruit is used to make medicine. Jujube consumption has a great effect on the prevention of suddenly developing heart conditions. Jujube fruits possess neuro-protective effects and also promote memory and learning. After having included basic definitions about jujube, let’s now consider  the pros and cons of jujube or  the benefits and harms of jujube in detail. For these reasons, pregnant and nursing mothers are advised to consume jujube in moderate quantity. It is also defined as “raw” among the people because of its resemblance to oleaster in terms of appearance. In fact, the human … Health Benefits. Jujube is from the fruit family. Jujube extract is filled with phenolics that boost its antioxidant activity. However, below are some of the points that should be taken into consideration. Updated June 4, 2020, What Are The Benefits And Harms Of Jujube? The seeds, fruit, and bark of jujube have been used in traditional medicine for anxiety and insomnia, and as an appetite stimulant or digestive aid. Though very rare, side effects that could result from over consumption of jujube include: Diarrhea Drowsiness Hair growth Reduced appetite Possible estrogen side … All Rights Reserved. As overeating is a major cause of obesity, so, by controlling overeating it helps with weight management. Below we look at the amazing properties of Jujube… 100 g of jujube contains 77.86 g of water and 79 kcal energy. As with all foods, Jujube fruit should be consumed in full and should not be overdosed. It is native to southern Asia and grows on the small deciduous tree of the same name that reaches a height of 5 to 12 meters. So, if you are allergic to jujube then you should avoid the fruit. That amazingly … Eating 100 grams of jujube provides around 79 calories of energy. The information contained in the post is for general purpose only and shouldn’t be considered as medical advice or as an alternative to medical advice. Although jujube fruit is beneficial for keeping blood pressure under control and provides relief from hypertension, it is recommended to enjoy the fruit in moderation. Improves Bone Strength. Regular and moderate consumption of jujube fruit is very beneficial for the people who are on a weight loss journey and would like to get rid of some extra pounds. 5. Jujube is an excellent source of many antioxidants such as vitamin C,... (2) Too Much Dietary Fiber Is Bad For Stomach Jujube offers sedative effects which can help soothe anxiety and restlessness and help you to get a good, natural, drug-free night’s sleep. There are no major side effects of eating jujube fruit during pregnancy if the fruit is fresh and is consumed in moderate quantities. They also help with the elimination of toxins and impurities from our system in an efficient manner and thus helps our vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. that provides a number of benefits to us. Although jujube fruit is good for the diabetics, it is advisable to be on the safe side and consume the fruit in moderation. The benefits of jujube are incredible but it is not limited just to the fruits. Today, with the advancement of science, researcher have realized the benefits of Jujube fruit. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This is some individuals might be allergic to jujube and may experience symptoms such as itchy skin, skin rashes, swollen lips, throat irritation, etc. This is because overeating jujube fruit may give rise to stomach problems such as intestinal gas, intestinal blockage, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort because of the excessive intake of dietary fibers. 32. As with any herbal teas, only use jujube … They absorb excess fluid and water level from our system, but, if you are taking too many dietary fibers without drinking adequate level of water then it may even absorb the water which is required by our body for various cellular and metabolic activities. A 3-ounce (100-gram) serving of raw jujube, or about 3 fruits, provides (1, … Aids in Sleeping. Triggers Chest Pain. (1) Too Many Antioxidants Are Bad For Health, (2) Too Much Dietary Fiber Is Bad For Stomach, (4) Eating Jujube During Pregnancy And Nursing Stage, 33 Amazing Health & Beauty Benefits of Jujube Fruit, 6 Major Side Effects of Eating Too Many Kiwanos ( Horned Melons), 8 Major Side Effects OF Eating Too Many Blueberries, 13 Major Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Pistachios (Pista), 8 Major Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Cashew Nuts (Kaju), 7 Major Side Effects of Eating Too Many Dragon Fruits, 8 Major Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Peanuts (Moongphali). (3) May Cause Allergic Reactions In Some Individuals. The jujube is about the size of an olive and has an edible thin brown crust outside. But the fact that it has a number of nutrients in good quantities can be detrimental to the body if eaten in excess. Jujube is from the fruit family. Eating jujube fruit on a regular and moderate basis is very beneficial for providing relief from hypertension or high blood pressure. Besides the many unwanted side effects, sleeping pills have been proven ineffective. Jujube Tea Side Effects. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. Stress and Anxiety. Jujube Side Effects: Jujube fruit has anti fertility properties and so I would suggest not consuming jujube fruit in excess when trying to conceive. At this stage, it is important for her to ensure that she is enjoying a balanced diet full of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and dietary fibers, etc. Although jujube is a good fruit to be eaten during the pregnancy stage, it is advisable to be on the safe side and enjoy the fruit in moderation and only after having a word with your doctor. There are many other names of jujube fruit such as Korean dates, Chinese dates, red dates, and Indian date. Jujube has been used for thousands of years to treat gastrointestinal problems, including bloating, … it is recommended that it should be consumed by diabetics under the control of a specialist. Jujube fruit is low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Jujube consists of certain anxiolytic and soothing effects on the body. When you consume a jujube, then you can prevent your body from the negative effects of free radicals which in the most cases are a reason for serious diseases such as cancer. This benefit of jujube is mainly because of its low caloric value. One study in particular from ... 2. For healthy digestion. Insomnia Treatment. As per a research study conducted by the National Cancer Institute, it was observed that smokers who took beta-carotene supplements on a regular basis for a long period of time were at a higher risk of developing lung cancer in comparison to those who didn’t take beta-carotene supplement. I was having this fruit in moderation during pregnancy and would advice the same too… Yellowing of the skin in infants (neonatal jaundice). This fruit can have positive effects on human health. More importantly, it is completely natural and has no side effects. In terms of the benefits and harms of jujube,  benefits and side effects of jujube fruit on health will be given in this post. This advantage of jujube fruit is mainly because of the presence of potassium in it. Jujube fruit can cause side effects such as diarrhea and flatulence, if consumed in excess. This is because a high intake of antioxidants for a long period of time is bad for our health. Dried fruits like … Let's dive into the details of the useful benefits of jujube fruit, leaf and seed. Controls Weight. Although antioxidants present in the jujube provides many benefits, it is advisable to be on the safe side and Enjoy the fruit in moderation. 5. Since it is a fruit that lowers blood sugar. Pregnancy is an important stage in every woman’s life. This means that the antioxidant enzymes ... 2. For people suffering from insomnia or restlessness, consuming the extract of the seeds of the jujube fruit can be a good remedy. It has been popular in Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has been gaining popularity in the West. So do not be upset, even if the time has passed, it is possible to have the jujube dried in your home throughout the year. 7 Major Side Effects of Consuming Too Many Jujubes (1) Too Many Antioxidants Are Bad For Health And, if you are a diabetic patient and already taking medications for the same then overeating jujube fruit may interfere with the diabetics medication and may worsen the situation. Foods. However, all these benefits provided by the jujube can’t be enjoyed by everyone equally. Despite the many benefits, there are some side effects, such as complications with pregnancy and potential drug interactions. Excellent fruit for your digestive tract. It is not recommended to consult a specialist, as it is not known what side effect will be. – Fruit Of Immortality. Jujube is a good source of many nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and dietary fibers, etc. May Improve Heart Health. This benefit of jujube fruit is mainly due to the presence of dietary fibers in them. Uplifting and Calming … 3. This fruit, also known as the Chinese date, has potent health benefits. However, one should remember that “moderation is the key”. 3. It imparts anxiolytic and soothing effects on the body thereby relieving anxiety and insomnia. The sedative effects of jujube fruit or jujube oil extract is also known to work on hormonal levels and induce a … It is also defined as “raw” among the people because of its resemblance to oleaster in terms of appearance. * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contribute to a daily diet. Conditions jujube fruit is used for medicinally include indigestion, fever, cuts and constipation. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor’s opinion. There are no significant side effects of Jujube fruit. Nutritional Value Of Jujube. Jujube, which contains plenty of antioxidants, accelerates the removal of bad cells from the body. Some people believes the right dose of jujube fruit is 5 pieces of jujube fruit. Jujube fruit is also rich in vitamin C, with 500 milligrams for every 100 grams of fruit. In addition to this, the dietary fibers present in the jujube fruit minimize the rate at which sugar gets absorbed into the bloodstream and thus helps in controlling diabetes. Hypotension is a condition that arises when our blood pressure drops down below the normal level and is characterized by the symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, nausea, clammy skin, depression and blurred vision, etc. Being low in caloric value means one can enjoy the fruit in moderation without worrying about the weight gain. Reference(s), https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit/jujube.html, https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/amazing-benefits-of-jujube/, https://www.thesleepdoctor.com/2018/03/13/jujube-sleep-health/, https://www.nutrition-and-you.com/jujube.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jujube Disclaimer. This is because excessive consumption of this fruit may lower our blood sugar to a very low level and thereby increases the risk of hypoglycemia. What Are The Health Benefits Of Jujube Fruit? Regulates Circulation. and presence of these compounds make them very beneficial for us as they provide a number of health and beauty benefits. Are There Any Side Effects of Eating Excessive Jujube Fruit While Pregnant? Drinking jujube fruit juice also exhibits similar health benefits. 4. Jujube is an excellent fruit that may provide these benefits as they are loaded with various nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, polyphenols, and dietary fibers, etc. Detoxify Blood. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. P.S- Consider sharing this post, if you find it useful and exciting. In terms of the benefits and harms of jujube, benefits and side effects of jujube fruit on health will be given in this post. This is because excessive intake of dietary fibers may give rise to various problems such as poor absorption of nutrients by the intestines, stomach discomfort, intestinal gas, intestinal blockage, etc. NOTE – Jujube Fruit Side Effects – Jujube is an excellent source of many antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A and other antioxidantal compounds that provide a number of benefits. 1. Experiments in animals support the presence of anxiolytic and sedative properties. Other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals etc also play a significant role in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. For more information, b efore consuming it for health purposes, you should first consult an expert doctor. Chronic Constipation Relief. 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